DJ Lee

Self Spell - Positive affirmation by reciting your own voice repetitively


Wake up! Reprogram yourself and improve your life.

Use positive affirmation techniques to achieve your goals (spiritual, personal, financial, or etc). Record your voice and play it over and over; your subconscious psyche will completely focus on the goals.

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DJ Lee
I am a big self-mastery / self-help nerd. I have tried many different methods to improve my productivity and goal orientation. I just really want to live my life to its fullest. One of my core habits was positive affirmation (a technique of repetitively exposing yourself to your desired goal in order to completely orient your conscious AND unconscious psyche towards achieving that goal). My teammates built this app to help my positive affirmation process go more smoothly. But surprisingly, within 2 days after launch without advertising, it became #2 in Appstore’s paid fitness/health app category. So I guess there are more self-mastery nerds like me! I decided to share it to you all, global audience. I sincerely hope you can wake up to your callings and really focus on following them. Discover yourself, your potential, and reprogram yourself to ACT! *Some important facts: 1. We do not collect any data. 2. We do not have any secret payments besides $2 download fee. 3. The app’s built in Korea, but we are fluent in English, so you can shoot an email to if you need anything!
Michael Gonzalez
It looks like you also made the app for Android. It doesn't seem to come up in the Playstore. Do you have a link?
DJ Lee
@michael_gonzalez3 Yes. We do have android, but we're working on debugging. You can try our pre-release version if you want, but it may take couple more updates until it becomes perfect.
very easy to use, and very cost effective. I liked it. Def worth 2 dollars for people like me :)
250 cafe
I think, It`s quite useful app for Start-up. No one can hard work as fast as possible through Strat-up groups. They need to check everything by work side, also their mentality mind. This apps core habits are positive effect to user.
DJ Lee
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