Gonzalo Sanchez

Seedtable - An authentic voice into European tech, business and politics

Seedtable is an authentic voice into European tech, business and politics. The weekly newsletter ✉️ is read by over 10,000 every week, and our maps of European tech cities 🏙️ visited by thousands every day.

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Gonzalo Sanchez
Hey everyone 👋 This is Gonz - I started Seedtable about a year ago as a side project, and it's slowly taking over my life 😆 I just launched v2, which I designed, coded and curated Seedtable. I also work on every single weekly edition. If you have questions, or want to chat about European tech, comment below!
Joël Kai Lenz
@gonsanchezs So sick Gonz! Super excited to see V2. Oh and for those of you who are not yet subscribed. Definitely do it! My number one ressource to be informed about everything Tech in Europe!
Gonzalo Sanchez
@ankericious it was a bunch of hard work, but worth it. 6000+ startups across 30 countries and 63 cities. Enjoy!
Gonzalo Sanchez
@mareddyjai Twitter 😉
Ata Gur
I've been a subscriber for more than a year and I can say that it's a great newsletter to be updated about what's going on in European startup ecosystem.
Gonzalo Sanchez
@ata_gur gracias Ata!
Alex Pospekhov
Great newsletter! Keep going!
Gonzalo Sanchez
@alexvs thanks 🙌
Julian Lehr
Became a subscriber a few weeks ago and it's already one of my favorite newsletters. Recommended!
Gonzalo Sanchez
@lehrjulian thanks man!
Fabrizio Caracausi
The best early stage newsletter out of Europe. Fact based, opinionated, authentic and fearless. SUBSCRIBE NOW SUBSCRIBE NOW SUBSCRIBE NOW SUBSCRIBE NOW!
Edison Espinosa
At first I read this as Seed to table and was surprised they launched on here
Madison O'Connell
@gonsanchezs I am writing an article for early-stage startups and I'd love to feature Seedtable as a reliable resource. If you are interested in collaborating and learning more about this project, please email me at madison@nuacom.ie.