Lindsay Amos

SEED - 100x faster serverless deployments

SEED makes it painless for teams to use serverless.
🤖 Zero-config deployments for Serverless Framework and CDK apps, no build scripts needed
💫 Custom deployment infrastructure for 100x faster deployments
🖥️ And a dashboard to manage your environments

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Jay V
Hi Product Hunt! We are avid serverless users and community members. We also created We noticed that as teams start working on serverless apps together, their apps start to grow and the deployments start taking longer. Most teams typically have: - At least 20-40 services, where each service takes 2-4 mins to deploy - The entire deployment can take over 40 mins So teams will create build scripts to deploy them all concurrently. But they'll need to worry about: - Dependencies between services - Rate limiting errors and retrying failures To solve these issues, it's typical for teams to have really large and complicated build scripts (that nobody wants to maintain). Or have some manual process to deploy only specific services at a time. So we decided to fix this. Seed is a CI/CD pipeline built specifically for Serverless Framework and CDK apps using SST ( on AWS. So you don't need a build script. And we created a custom deployment infrastructure specifically for serverless. It deploys your apps 100x faster by: - Incrementally deploying only the services and Lambdas that've been updated - Deploying all your services concurrently and reliably - Optimally caching dependencies Thank you for taking a look at Seed! If you have any questions about Seed or need some help with your serverless apps, send me an email: or just put something on my calendar:
Kan Yilmaz
Love the content on serverless stack!
Jay V
@thellimist Thanks Kan! Appreciate it!
Shun Pang
We used Serverless Stack extensively and will be using Seed!! Awesome product.
Jay V
@shunp Thanks Shun!
Amit Singh
Congrats Jay!
Jay V
@iamitsy Thanks Amit!
Ulrik Hansen
I love how you guys are doing this while contributing to the open-source community - keep it up! Very excited to follow your journey.
Jay V
@ulsha Thanks Ulrik!
Jordan Bryan
Serverles Stack is without a doubt my go-to resource as I develop my application on Serverless. Can't wait to try out Seed!