SAYMYNAME: Footballers
It's time to stop butchering footballers names.
João Vitor Martins

SAY MY NAME: Footballers — It's time to stop butchering footballers names ⚽️ World Cup

Say My Name allows fans and commentators to listen to the native pronunciation of the players’ names and users can practise their pronunciation, whilst receiving an indication of how good (or poor) their result is. All players from the 2022 World Cup ⚽️.
Richard Gao
There should be one for more general use not limited to footballers. I'm quite lucky with an easily pronounced name, but some people aren't.
Aldous J Pennyfarthing
This should be a requirement for all British football commentators. They really can't be bothered with all those accent marks and Spanish pronunciations. Don't get me started on Brazil. 🤯
Aldous J Pennyfarthing
I gave up on most American footy commentators years ago. Everyone needs this.