Suhail Khan

Save Chrome Tabs For Later - Set aside your currently open tabs quickly reopen them later

Lets you easily save your currently open tabs to quickly restore them later. No more reading through your browsing history to figure out what stuff was left to go through. You won't miss any important info you clicked on but could not get to.

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Suhail Khan
It is a must have extension for anyone who wants to be more productive with their tabs. Other important features include naming any tab card to convey the purpose of those tabs as well individual control over each card whether it is removed after being restored. The inspiration came when I was using Chrome at 3 am and had about 25 tabs open for some research work. When I wanted to sleep, I did not want to lose my tabs and the browsing history would not have been helpful to say what was left to go through. At the time, I was regretting not using Edge as it had this feature back then. I had to manually copy each tab into Edge and then set them aside. That's when I decided to solve this problem by building this extension.
Ayan S
It seems like this is gonna save a lot of time from manually reopening and closing tabs all the time. Congrats on the launch! Also, is it possible to have multiple tab cards or does it just support one card at a time?
Suhail Khan
@madebyayan Hi Ayan, there is no limit on the number of tab cards. You can restore/name/persist/delete any tab card you want. Hope you enjoy this extension. Cheers!
Abel G. weldu
Such a cool product. This will save me a lot of time. thought Follow up question: was launching it here helpful to get traction? Trying to roll out an extension myself.
Suhail Khan
@abel_product Thank you Abel. Glad you like this extension and it helps you to be more productive. As for your question, I don't have any data since chrome dev dashboard lags 1-2 days behind. There is no fixed answer for everyone. Getting featured will give a much needed exposure to any app if that app is not spending any money on user acquisition. You might end up attracting a lot of window shoppers who might just install, check it out and then uninstall in some time. Ultimately you have to rely on the quality of the product and store listing to make users install your app and keep it that way.
Emerald Nwanne
Super practical, useful product. Congrats on your launch!
Md Abu Taher
Wow that is really amazing. it will save a lot time. Thanks for this amazing extension.
Suhail Khan
@hellotaher Hey man. Thanks for sharing your feedback. Hope you enjoy this extension. Cheers!
Suhail Khan
@hellotaher Please consider leaving a review on the Chrome Web Store.
Aryan Sinha
Love what you're trying to do!
Suhail Khan
@iamaryansinha Thank you for your kind words Aryan. Hope you love this extension. Cheers!
Olivia Wyles
Great idea. I like keeping things simple.
Suhail Khan
@olivia_wyles Thank you Olivia for the kind words. Hope this extension makes your web browsing sessions easier and more productive. Cheers!
Suhail Khan
@olivia_wyles Please consider leaving a review on the Chrome Web Store.
Amber Sean
Sounds like a life saver of a product, cool! Congrats on the launch!
Suhail Khan
@sharlyne_simon_123rf Thank you for your kind words Sharlyne. Hope you enjoy this extension. Cheers!
Suhail Khan
@sharlyne_simon_123rf Please consider leaving a review on the Chrome Web Store.
Bhavesh Rawat
WTH? I was thinking about something like this yesterday. Here, take my upvote, man! Really appreciate it.
Suhail Khan
@bhavesh_rawat Haha. Thank you Bhavesh. Hope you enjoy this extension. Cheers!
James Shorrock
Great extension. I'm guilty of keeping like 20+ tabs open always. This makes it so much more simple in saving the tabs I don't want to forget, but don't need open in the moment. Great stuff
Suhail Khan
@james_shorrock Thank you James. Hope this extension makes your browsing sessions easier and more productive. Cheers!
Suhail Khan
@james_shorrock Please consider leaving a review on the Chrome Web Store.
Justus Jochmann
keeps the browser clean, i like it!
Suhail Khan
@justus_jochmann Glad you are enjoying it. Cheers!
Ankur Koshiya
great useful extension.
𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙙 𝙆
Great product. It will definitely save me time
Suhail Khan
@amdonaldk Glad you like it Donald.
Suhail Khan
@amdonaldk Please consider leaving a review on the Chrome Web Store.
Ashish Bhateja
Expensive price tag for what it does, given that other free options are available for same functionality. The website asks users to leave positive reviews to get pro for free. Shouldn’t your product speak for itself rather than throwing a bait for reviews?
Suhail Khan
@ashish_bhateja Hi Ashish, thanks for sharing your opinion. The promotion you speak of is a limited time user acquisition strategy that is nothing new on the internet. It is just a lucky giveaway where people who are interested can enroll. The promotion does not demand 5-star reviews, just incentivising fans to share their positive experience. Universal fact is that people don't leave reviews unless you keep pinging them or give them a reward for doing so. I may be biased but objectively speaking, this extension is way ahead of the competition in terms of having a clean and beautiful UI and a simple, intuitive and non-intrusive user experience. The price tag reflects the above point and also the fact that it is one-time, unlimited devices, free future updates, etc. I don't like milking users for money through $1-2/month subscriptions. Also please remember that we are not dealing with economies of scale here. If this extension had 100k users, I am sure the price tag would be half. I hope I was able to address your concerns. Hope you love this extension. Cheers!
Stewart Barrett
could this solve my tab hoarding problem?
Suhail Khan
@stewup Sure. Give it a shot. Hope you enjoy this extension. Cheers!
Dee CP
I've been using Toby and will give this one a try.
Suhail Khan
@deeinaustin I am confident you will enjoy this a lot. Unlike Toby, the focus here is the simplicity and core user experience and I think you will love this extension for it. We don't cram in features for the sake of it. When an extension tries to be a do-it-all wizard, it ends up getting in the way of its own users and simplicity and intuitiveness goes out the window. We only add features that are essential to the workflow of our users and can be implemented in a non-intrusive way.
Suhail Khan
@deeinaustin I would be interested in your feedback, Dee. Please post it here once you try out this extension.
vineet kumar
Great I was planning to build something similar because of losing the tabs session incase I shutdown/restart my laption .. Kudos to you guys
Sam Twist
I know chrome now offers google profile tabs, but the naming feature here is a game-changer!
Suhail Khan
@samtwist I am confident you will love this extension when you use all its features. Looking forward to hearing about your experience. Cheers!
Alex Hasnain
very handy
Suhail Khan
@ahasnainpeacex Glad you like it Alex. Please consider leaving a review on the Chrome Web Store.
Suman Chandra
good idea