Users can upload multiple files, which will be zipped into an archive when downloading later.
Storage persist. It's running on a blockchain where everything is public. We don't encrypt the files you are uploading, so don't share NDA-related files π
If you connect with a web3 wallet, you can sign the transfer of a file with your decentralized identity. So, Saturn is a way to authenticate a file provenance!
We give our web3 users two choices when sending files:
1. They can send files to anyone. Anyone with the link will be able to download it.
2. They can lock files to specific users. When the link is shared, the recipient will have to sign in to their wallet, which is linked to an IDX account. That means that you can share this with anyone with wallets on any blockchain, making this platform blockchain agnostic.
Web3 users can also view their history, to look at previous files they have sent before.
I am from a country where planes do not fly, and even more so rockets. but in general I would really like to fly to Saturn, this is my dream since childhood(((
Wallet-locked transfers is interesting. I can imagine people using this to send files to specific wallets or holders of a particular NFT/token (e.g. CryptoPunks holders, FWB members).
What are you using for file storage, @mathis_grosjean3? IPFS? Arweave?
Suggestion: You might want to add a note that the files are encrypted on the homepage.
Are they encrypted though? Sounds like it's just signed with a wallet address. Original post says "We don't encrypt the files you are uploading, so don't share NDA-related files".
@mathis_grosjean3@rrhoover Thanks for your comment! We could definitely add that note if we add the encryption feature yes :) We are using Filecoin Network to store on IPFS
What does blockchain has to do with it sending large file? I think there is a connection, which i don't know. Isn't it costly for you? Will it be paid in future? Don't you wanna make profit out of it? I mean, how you are giving this (such incredible product) for free???
@abirxhossain Filecoin network is a decentralized storage network. To make it simple, they added token economics incentives to the IPFS protocol they created in 2015. It's free thanks to Filecoin offer. It's probably not going to stay free for 99 years... We don't want to make a profit out of that. We built this product to learn more about this new technology π
When the files are deleted? I think there should be an option to delete files either by the sharer or automatically based on the specified days or hours. It could potentially save it from abuse.
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