The front and rear lenses each capture 180 degrees horizontally and vertically, creating a seamless and complete 360-degree field of view. You can also find it in my VR collection
I asked @rosssheingold (who made this awesome 360 Video collection) to help me learn more about why 360 Video is important and related it to Virtual Reality. His response was really helpful, thought I would share...
The 3 main factors why 360 Video is exciting:
"1) It is a blank canvas. From a creative standpoint, it is a whole new medium, with new rules and new creative opportunities.
2) With Facebook enabling interactive 360 video in the newsfeed, it won't be long until people come to expect a 360 view of the videos they enjoy on the platform.
3) 3 powerful VR headsets are coming out this year, which means a significant number of consumers will be diving into a new platform, seeking out content to enjoy. If your video isn't 360, it obviously doesn't stand a chance there."
And he also included some great examples of VR 360 immersive content that will take advantage of the high-tech headsets from Oculus, HTC and Sony:
And an example of 360 video that can be enjoyed by anyone right now:
"tl;dr: 360 video is important right now because VR headsets will be released very soon, providing a serious platform for people to enjoy immersive, 360 degree content."
@ltroisi75 I think the virtual reality will still be a bit of a niche, but videos where you can move the smartphone around and see different angles will slowly progress to that. It's practicality. How often would you walk around with a virtual reality headset. It's a great piece of hardware, just impractical.
Samsung has done the best job of pioneering VR so far, and I am happy to see them plow ahead. I would really like to own one of these, and use them with the Gear VR
This is brilliant. Exactly what would well with what I'm working on. Also because now you don't have to buy around 20 go pros to get the best footage all round.
The product is really cool - but if you think 360 videos is on getting to the peak of inflated expectations of the hype curve : you're not alone ! (that would be the tldr of that piece: )
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