SalesLab CRM for long cycle sales. We strive to make the most user-friendly CRM in the world. Yes, we still have much work to do to achieve this, but we are ready for it!
Hi everyone!
I and @denmikhailov, @alexeydobrynin, @dlodnev started working on this project in December 2019. Before that, I had a CRM system integrator company for 4 years. We had received a lot of feedback on various CRMs from our clients. Most of the customers were unhappy with too complicated UX and outdated interface design. So we decided to create our own CRM with better usability and modern interface design.
We are now launching a beta version of SalesLab CRM and offer you a 180-day Trial version. SalesLab CRM can benefit sales teams who work with long cycle sales. While it's not suitable for Retail or fast sales.
In the beta version, we included the basic functionality necessary for the work of the sales teams.
Some features -
4 types of Pipelines – Leads, Deals, Customers, and Lost Customers.
The two options for displaying Pipelines are Board and List, as well as a list of deals from all Pipelines.
You can remove the Pipelines you don't need or add your own. In the settings, you can change all the stages of the Pipeline, their colors and names.
Automatic distribution of tasks by type / priority. This is a very useful feature when you have a lot of sales activities. You don't have to think about what to do first.
4 options for displaying activities – a deadline board, also a board by type / priority, and two types of lists by deadline and by type / priority of activities.
You can add and edit activity types / priorities
Deal card, contact card, and organization card
Field customization. You can add the fields that you need to work with right in the card.
Appointing tasks for yourself or colleagues, and the ability to choose time, type or priority.
You can leave notes and move deals in the Pipeline.
All your contacts for organizations and individuals are stored here.
The ability to mass-create leads or deals directly from contacts.
Each contact contains information about the deals and leads the contact is located in.
Adding and editing Pipelines,
Extended access rights for users,
Your personal logo in CRM,
Creating sales teams and their localization,
6 languages; users can use any language in one company account
plus other settings.
Wow, nice job! I think it is a good opportunity to give make the lives of solopreneurs easier. I am also a solopreneur, and I know how hard it is to take care of every aspect of the business. It is practically impossible to have a personal life. So to make my work easier, I started to use some CRM software. It is pretty comfortable to work with it because I store all the information about my clients and potential clients, so when they address me for the second time, I will already know what they will want from me.
@olivergrand , I went in and signed up. Lots of problems/bugs but no way to email the company that I can find. Nor is there help files or anything that tells me what's active beyond a hot link that is dead or a 404 error. As the CEO of company that does to 6 - 7 long lead sales, this is truly of interest to me. I don't think this should be called a beta given the level of functionality and problems. Happy to provide more details feedback, screenshots, the like, just need a place to do it. Good luck with the product.
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