Yamine Bena

Saladtools - Discover 150+ free tools, and use it on your own dashboard

Saladtools allows you to create your own workspace from a single window. Discover new tools and create powerful workstacks to gain productivity and work more efficiently.
With Salads Tools organize your workspace, customize it, and add your favorite tools !

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Yamine Bena
😁 Hello to all Hunter and Maker ! I'm Kantin, creator and inventor of innovative apps ! I’m excited to introduce Saladtools.io to you all ! 🔥 Saladtools is a platform that will allow you to discover more than 150 free tools without registration. Moreover, you can access ALL these tools from your window and try them instantly! ❤ As a web enthusiast, I love to test tools that allow me to improve my way of working, however I realized that too many tools required a registration step. Moreover, finding the right tool for your needs is often complicated when you don't know where to look. And the platforms that list the products do not allow direct access to the tools. 👉 That's why I wanted to create a platform that is efficient, fast and allows everyone to change their way of using online tools and discovering them. Saladtools is a dynamic platform gathering the best free tools without registration ! To test a tool, click on its card and test it instantly from your dashboard. 🧙 Magic, isn't it? If you think your tool is compatible with Saladtools, don't hesitate to send us a request on Saladtools, in the "Submit your tool" tab so that we can put it forward! The tools compatible with Saladtools include : - No signup required - Open to sharing with shortcode - Intuitive and useful All the tools have been sorted and selected so that they can help you and bring you maximum value so we hope you like it ! We hope you like the tool and that it will help you in your daily life ! 🎁 On the occasion of our launch we offer you our subscription at 1$/month instead of 5$/month with the code PRODUCTHUNT ! Enter the code "PRODUCTHUNT" when you pay your subscription and you're done! Don't hesitate to ask me any question or suggestion to improve the experience and the product ! Much love, Yamine !
zizouu R
Since I started using saladtools, I can't do without it! Everything is organized, I don't need to open 10 windows to work! So efficient ! I recommend it
Yamine Bena
@zizouu_r Thank you, If you have any suggestions for improvement, do not hesitate to contact us
Peter Lynch
I love internet tools, I have a lot of bookmarks, but by opening saladtools in a new tab I no longer have to switch every time and look for something, I can even add my own tools. Very handy for my workflow and taking notes ( using a local storage is very useful ) I wish to see more categories. Thanks for this extremely useful product!
Yamine Bena
@peter_lynch1 Thank you very much for your comment, enjoy ! 😁
Julia EspinasseHocq
This is a really useful tool What a time saver when looking for an open window now everything is at hand!
Yamine Bena
@djulyaeh Thank you ! 😁
Hey Kantin, congrats on launching Saladtools! I'm the dev behind rng.fm and noticed more listeners coming from your site. So just wanted to drop by and say thanks. If you ever want to collaborate or if there's anything I can do to improve the experience with rng.fm on Saladtools, shoot me a message. Good luck with your app! Cheers, Rio
Yamine Bena
@therioko Hello rio ! 😁 Thank you very much, we are very proud to be able to count among our tools RNG.FM. And very happy to be able to bring visibility to useful tools like yours. 👉Maybe we can talk on twitter, I just added you with my personal profile, Thank you again !