Sai Kambampati

Mirrorly - Refresh your mental health with AI on iOS 14

Mirrorly is a mental health journaling and emotion predicting app. Alongside its minimal design, Mirrorly aims to bring greater clarity about your mental health by using machine learning to continuously learn about your emotional state throughout the day.

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Victoria Teasdale
Congratulations on launching ☺️ I’m curious about the emotional prediction aspect of mirrorly. Does the AI use historical data points as a basis? And does it track the female hormonal cycle? These would be core aspects for me and I’m still searching for an app that does this well ☺️
Aaron O'Leary
@victoria_teasdale using historical data points is something I'm curious about as well 🤔
Sai Kambampati
@victoria_teasdale Hi Victoria! Yup the predictor does use historical points but as of this moment a, it does not track female hormonal cycles as I wasn't able to find a way that was able to effectively predict emotions In a safe and privacy-protectinf way regarding that set of data. Hopefully I'll be able to add it in an upcoming version. Thanks for the suggestion!
Lilly Hatz
@victoria_teasdale @sai_kambampati Yes, I think it's important for mental health as well to be able to track hormonal cycles! Looking forward to seeing this addition.
Sai Kambampati
Hey PH! I'm pleased to release Mirrorly- a mental health journaling app that originated from my winning Swift Student Challenge submission. As a tool that's helped me throughout this unprecedented year, Mirrorly takes a simple concept like journaling your thoughts and adds some clever twists to it. At it's core, Mirrorly helps your journal your thoughts, whether they are words, doodles, or images. However, with personalized reminders, you are also prompted to enter what you emotion is throughout the day. Mirrorly then uses this data along with your age group, gender, and day of the week to develop a personalized prediction of what your overall emotion might be for that day. As you continue to use the app, this predictor will get more and more accurate, letting you view your emotional history across weeks and months. I've noticed that if I had a reminder that today may be an unpleasant day, I would do everything I can to make sure my day turns out positive. I hope this insight helps you the way it's helped me these past few months. Of course, none of this would mean anything if you data and privacy was insecure. All data is stored on your iCloud account meaning I nor anyone else has access to your data. The personalized machine learning model computes all the training on-device (thanks to Core ML) and is another way in which I try and keep your information secure. While entries are not encrypted, this is a feature I hope to bring soon. DISCLAIMER: The data used to develop the baseline ML model was taken from a very simple survey app over the summer by my Twitter followers with a wide diversity of age groups and genders. This is, in no way, meant to be used as a medical replacement for emotional enhancement tools nor has it been proved to be representative of a professional study. I'm just a college student trying to build and make cool things. Thanks! Hope you'll check it out!
Mariam Yusuf
Congratulations on launch! The app looks quite interesting and useful.
Sai Kambampati
@mariamyusuf_ Thank you! I hope it will help you out as it has helped me during these difficult times.
Travis Bellington
I really like the app, can see myself using it on a daily basis. :)
Sai Kambampati
@travis_bellington Awesome! Please do let me know of any suggestions and features you might have ☺️
François Boulais
Hey @sai_kambampati, congrats for your work here, looks really great & clean! Maybe you could be interested in adding a Product Hunt badge to your app:
Andy Swann
Looking forward to testing this out. Could be really useful for many people in 2020!
Sai Kambampati
@andyswann Thanks! And I agree! It's helped me out tremendously this whole year, and I'm sure it will in the months to come.