Trent Polack

Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens - Rooster Teeth stars in this mobile survival/action/RPG.

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Trent Polack
Hi! I'm the Creative Director and Executive Producer for Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens. If you're not aware of the name already, Rooster Teeth is the studio famous for its Red vs. Blue shorts. They're a hilarious bunch of people based in Austin, Texas (where we are as well) so, naturally, we wanted to collaborate on a project together. What we came up with is Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens. The game takes place in the studio (and DLC for the surrounding areas) where the Zombiens - zombie aliens - have crash landed and are seeking out humans to kill. You must survive as long as possible by exploring the studio to find items, buying weapons from Weapon Vending Machines, and finding health power-ups.