Seungjun Lee

Rooftop Slushie 2.0 - Get employee referrals to tech companies


Verified tech employees to help you out with
- Referrals (new)
- Resume Review
- Job Interviews
- Offer Evaluation
- Career Advice

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Seungjun Lee
Hey makers! Today weโ€™re launching the official Rooftop Slushie version 2.0 after releasing a feature our customers wanted the most. ๐Ÿงจ Problem We hope to fix todayโ€™s tech screening process. For large companies such as Google, recruiters may not be technical and evaluate candidates based on keywords and prestigious labels in a resume. This leaves out many qualified candidates. ๐Ÿ’ช Solution We already have a community of tech employees on our platform giving career advice. Why not leverage those users to screen a resume and offer a referral if the candidate is a good fit? PMs recognize good PMs. Software engineers recognize good software engineers! ps. This was definitely interesting from a product sense, because we never intended to have a 'referral' feature from the start. Version 1.0 was all about having credible sources (verified tech employees) give advice on interview prep, resume and offer evaluation. But at one point, users started to ask for referrals in our 'Miscellaneous' category. They were using our product to solve problems other than what weโ€™d planned for.
@seungjun_jun_lee Congrats on the launch, love the name ๐Ÿ˜
Seungjun Lee
@leandro8209 Appreciate it! Thank you for your support!
Jacob Jacquet
Looks awesome - greatness!
@jacob_rezi Hey Jacob! Huge fan of Rezi as well. Your AMA on Reddit was super interesting - thanks for the inspiration :)
Harry Dry
Love the design. Love the name. Great idea - wish you luck :)
@harrydry Aw thanks so much Harry! Happy to see you here :)
Chris Ellis
@seungjun_jun_lee Great to see you guys here! Best of luck with the launch!
Seungjun Lee
@chrisjamesellis Hey hope all is well with you! Thank you for your support. :)
Anthony Dike ๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ
Great landing page design. You guys are hitting on a need in the recruitment process. Canโ€™t wait to see how this grows Congrats on the launch ๐Ÿš€
@antdke Hey Anthony - so great to see you here! Thanks again for your feedback regarding the landing page prior to launch ๐Ÿ˜‡
uhhhh @abdella6if lol