Jocelyn Hett

Finder - Find and compare ticket prices for any upcoming concerts 🔍💰


Finder helps you quickly find the best price for concert tickets. Search and compare ticket prices across various ticket vendors instantly, anytime, for any artist or concert.

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Jeremy Kovac
Very cool app guys. I love live music but rarely keep up with who's on tour. It could be super cool to sign-in with spotify and know right away which artists I like are on tour. Best of luck!
Dave Levin
@jeremykovac Are you Nostradamus? The future is now. You can login to Robin using Spotify, and track your favourite artists, here:
Lars Nolden
Hey Hunters! We all know that the concert ticket space is broken - with a lot of scalpers, bots and resellers listing overpriced tickets and causing confusion for fans looking to get good tickets to see the artists they love. Over the last year, our team at Robin 🌐 has put a ton of effort into making the whole experience around getting tickets better. We quickly discovered that there is often a huge price difference between ticket vendors for concert tickets and jumped on the opportunity to build a tool that would make it easy for you to compare prices. Today we are launching Finder, a tool to help you find the perfect concert tickets - at the best price. We compare the biggest vendors out there for you. ☝️ Just like a mini Kayak for concert tickets! I would really appreciate your feedback and tell us about your experience: - Did you find Finder useful? - Did you find the concert you were looking for? - Out of 1-10, how easy was it to navigate your search results? - Can you tell me 2 specific features you would like to see? Just shoot me a message on Product Hunt I will get back to you today! Feel free to subscribe to our Finder mailing list to get notified about new features:
Ryan Hoover
Nice work, @larsnolden and team. How often do tickets prices significantly differ (>$5) in price across different merchants?
@larsnolden @rrhoover Thanks! Within 48hrs of the event it can be quite significant price differentials. For instance, there are often tickets released back on the primary vendor (Ticketmaster, Ticketfly, etc...) from artist or promoter holds, so always best to compare <48hrs of the event.
Dave Levin
@larsnolden @rrhoover Thanks, Ryan! You might be surprised. Prices often vary substantially among merchants (certainly more than $5), especially when you consider that merchants' fees can vary quite a bit. Another factor is the (re)sellers who sell tickets on these sites -- more sophisticated sellers don't tend to change their prices as much. Unfortunately, we don't have hard data on these numbers though... yet. :)
Lars Nolden
@rrhoover That is awesome to hear! There are price extremes in both directions, but on average there is a difference of 36.09 USD for all the queries that users completed so far on Finder.
Adam Marx
This is an interesting idea. I'm always intrigued by the possibility of how to get the best prices for concert tickets. The Kayak-type model I think works well here, though I would caution against drawing a direct analogy since airfares are set by the actual airlines whereas ticket prices can be set according to secondary parties (i.e. Ticketmaster, etc.) if they have certain deals with venues. The music industry is not always cut and dry when it comes to determining who controls the leverage at the end of the day. Otherwise, great build! Cool idea!
Lars Nolden
@adammarx13 Yes, there is always a balance between making a product easy to understand for the 80% of people that are targeted and other people that are more invested (including you). Saying that, I believe that we can educate users about the sh*t that is going in in the ticketing industry and make them realise how they can change the industry. Thank you!
Mitchell McKenna
Need a way to say how many tickets. 2 Tickets together can often be more expensive per seat than a single seat.
Lars Nolden
@mitchellmckenna That is true, Providing ticket availability is definitively on the list for improvements. Thanks!
Harold Hughes
This is incredibly minor but is the logo the same font as that facebook uses? I only asked because I initially scrolled by this thinking it was just another FB product that they were forcing down our throats.
Lars Nolden
@onebandwagonfan It's similar ;) Thank you for te feedback!