Gunar Gessner

Roam Research - A note-taking tool for networked thought

A note-taking tool for networked thought.

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patrick tomasiewicz
First time posting after long time lurking. This is the best new digital product I’ve used in YEARS. Once you take a few minutes to understand the philosophy behind it, their YouTube videos and help pages explain it simply. Has totally changed the way i take notes and I feel more connected to my thinking than ever before.
Gary Basin
@patricktrack You took the words out of my mouth, Patrick. Bravo Conor and team!
Greg Wiley
@patricktrack Same! This is literally my first comment on Product Hunt, and I came here to say this. This app has been a fantastic change for me.
Piotr Gaczkowski
@patricktrack what are your use cases for this?
Nat Eliason
I'm a huge fan of Roam since I started making the transition a couple weeks ago. As a base for personal knowledge management it has a much more pragmatic philosophy around how information should interlink. I love it so much so that I wrote up a 3,000 word user guide on it:
Tony Yin
Really like the idea so far, but can't commit yet without seeing what the monthly price ends up being (sounds like $30 /mo
Samuel Bars
@tonyyin I know this is old but the subscrption is at 15$ per month I believe, and 7.5$ with the scholar's discount
Gunar Gessner
The Workflowy on steroids you never knew you needed. Watch the short explanatory videos by the Conor:
This looks nice. Wondering how would it be used in comparison to - Notion
Hey guys, I have been using roamresearch to help my grirlfriend frame her personal statement easier and I found the difference. Have you ever had so many ideas that 1 page won't allow you to organise ? I think the power of roamresearch to my particular use case was the ability to dump ideas in a page and frame them further -> then embed them into another page to create a high level overview and always fly high and low keeping me on the track. I also learned to use the #tags for topic coverage. @conaw -> great tool but needs better front-end. found quite some glitches.
My User
Roam is a game changer. I highly recommend giving it a try. I've moved all of Notion content over to Roam and haven't looked back.
Mike Acler
@isaacrlien Manually or is there a tool for that?
My User
@agilek Roam has an "Import" feature that worked for some of my Notion files. But did it manually for my databases and more complex pages.
Meshach Thomas
Roam is a strange app, it feels more like a command-line interface OS than just a notes app. It seems fairly simple at the outset, but once you use it for sometime you start to understand it's true power and you end up wanting to do everything in it. It's super addictive and the possibilities seem endless. It starts off looking like a Bullet Journal, dropping you into a 'daily log' page which is created automatically everyday. The note page itself looks more like Workflowy/Dynalist, with bullet points and indent to nest bullets, with children that can be collapsed under a parent bullet. You can scroll and see all your Daily Notes on one page. The best thing about it is bi-directional links. You create new pages as you type, say [[Meditation]] or #FoodLog, and when you go to those pages, it lists all the bullets where you've mentioned the tag. This way you can create a network of notes that are interconnected and not linear or hierarchical. You can mix and match and use filters to do a ton of things inside it like GTD, Morning Pages, Bullet Journaling, Project Management, Quantified Self Logging, Building a Second Brain, Progressive Summarization, 5 Minute Journal, Anki, etc. to name a few AND you can start to benefit from the cross-pollination of these frameworks. Eg. You can free write like Morning Pages, put down some todos as they come up, list out some things you're grateful for AND then filter and view only what you want to see later, like say todos or all mentions of 'bananas'. The best thing about it is that you don't have to 'set it up' with any of these systems to use it. Just start putting things in it. Watch some of the use case videos to get more ideas. #RoamCult
Kyle Mathews
I've tried tools like this for 15+ years including all the original wiki tools and Roam nails it. I've used the tool 100+ hours for my startup and personal stuff in be last couple of months and still feel like I'm scratching at the surface of what you can do with Roam.
Kevin Dangoor
I've been using Roam for a couple of months now and the bidirectional links and frictionless page creation alone make it an amazing product. There a many other UI touches that make Roam a much better second brain than any other product I've tried so far.
Mohit Gangrade
Amazing tool. The best note-taking app.
Jason Manheim
Evolution of knowledge management. Will change the way you take notes, consume content, and ultimately, think. It is already absolutely essential and I can't wait to see how it matures.
Bart Zalewski
Unlike the Bear app, this one is browser accessible. I love it!
Robert Haisfield
This product is absolutely phenomenal. Best note taking experience I've ever had with dedicated developers who deeply understand what is necessary to build an incredible tool for thought. Perfect for anyone who writes to think.
Alex Devero
Congrats to launch @gunar. I have few questions: 1) What tech stack did you use to build this app? 2) Do you have any plans for creating iOS and/or Andrioid app? 3) Do you have any plans for monetization?
@gunar @alexdevero As I understand it was built on Clojure. I've heard Conor mention online that mobile apps are on the radar. As for monetization it's in beta and I imagine they have plans to charge for it at some point.
Wish this existed back when I was in college.
Vladyslav Sitalo
Roam is awesome. I haven't been excited about a new product this much ever. People interested in playing around with live Roam workspace should look at the help workspace: Also the information here does not quite cover the main things of interest for Roam - you should explore the database + there is a bunch of videos here:
Johan Verster
Horrible horrible experience! Lost over 50hours of research, working on my Masters dissertation...their technicians claim I should have done this and I should have done that, but I followed all the basic tutorials and it was not at all obvious beforehand what I should have done to prevent such a disaster. For two months all my new work was syncing and then two weeks later it was all gone...
Does it support google calendar notifications ?
Samuel Bars
@nastycrackr it might now. There's a very active community developing plugins and extensions, u should google it. I know there's a Google Sheets to Roam integration
Eric Auld
The innovation of bidirectional links is crucial. Really helps thoughts organize with a minimum of effort.
Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz
Roam changed how I work. I extensively used Notion, Dropbox Paper, and GitHub gists, but I was always missing _something_. There are a lot of features I miss (better mobile UX, sharing pages and blocks), but Roam revolutionized note-taking for me. Roam isn’t a software with one use case. It’s rather a "choose your own adventure" type of thing. Best thing about it is not the software. It’s the research behind it and the people using it. #roamcult hashtag on Twitter introduced me to Zettelkasten, GTD, and Second Brain.