Blank Resident

Roadmap beta - Plan projects and manage resources with ease.


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Blank Resident
Hi Product hunters! Super excited to finally release Roadmap Beta Roadmap is a project planning and resource management app for teams. It gives managers a great overview, from the bigger picture and down to the details. Roadmap comes with a flexible yet simple project planning tool that gives you the ability to plan any type of project by simply drag and drop. It also comes with a powerful scheduling tool which is directly integrated to your projects, making it effortlessly easy to keep your schedules updated as projects and tasks change over time. Unlike task management like Trello, Jira, Github and Asana, Roadmap gives you a complete picture, making it easy for all team members to understand where they are at and what they are working towards. Alongside this, Roadmap is a producer/project/product manger’s best friends. Not only does it make planning effortlessly easy, it also communicates daily/weekly priorities to the team, notifies you when milestones or deadlines are approaching and pings the manager when someone has too much or too little to work on. We just released our public beta and have over 1000 teams using Roadmap. Even so, Roadmap is getting strong by the week. Get started on our 14 days free trial and subscribe to our newsletter to be the first one to hear about our awesome, upcoming features. Just ping me here if you have any question or feedback. I'm all ears. Cheers!
Kyle Richey
@farzadban Looks awesome, congrats! Two quick questions: Can Members make any changes, or does that make them an Admin/Manager? How far out is the Trello integration on your roadmap? Speaking of, it'd be great to see a public Roadmap roadmap. 😁
Blank Resident
@imakestrides Thanks, glad you liked it, Kyle. Currently only Admins and managers can make changes, Members can view the project plans and the teams schedules on Roadmap. The trello task import integration is not too far away ;) And yes, a Public Roadmap roadmap is on the way :) We are just still prioritising work. Once we are ready, we'll share the link on our website 🌞
Blank Resident
@imakestrides πŸ‘Š
@farzadban I can recommend this to all those products I'm using and asked about features they say "its coming", but WEHN?! lol
David Carpe
@farzadban any plans for a lower price tier that does not include more than two members? at 10 per month, you could crush the whole mac app market (omni, et al)
Marc Baiges CamprubΓ­
Hi @farzadban , very nice starting point! Do you share Roadmap's roadmap :) ? (Like Trello's Trello board Do you have any API to feed the roadmaps from? My use case: I'd like to visualize my projects maintained in JIRA.
Blank Resident
@marcbc Thanks Marc. We are currently prioritising our work based on feedback we've been receiving in the past couple of weeks. We'll share our roadmap publicly when we are ready. We are planning to integrate Roadmap with other tools like Trello, Asana, Jira etc to enable users to import their tasks quickly and drop them to Roadmap. We are hoping to release it shortly.
Jorge Mir Alvarez
@farzadban @marcbc JIRA integration would be really nice. I don't think I can convince my manager of "yet another" tool to maintain, but if Epics were brought over from the JIRA project it would make things a lot easier.
Blank Resident
@jmiralva @marcbc Integrating Roadmap with other tools like Jira, Trello, Asana is definitely in our backlog and something that we are planning to release shortly! So sign up and we'll notify you once they go live. 🌞
Phil Buckendorf
We are using roadmap since it was in beta. I think this is just the beginning what they have launched now. It opens up new product management styles beyond current scrum, kanban in Trello, Asana etc.
Blank Resident
@pbuckendorf πŸ’―
Luc Chaissac
We πŸ’š Roadmap! Perfect to manage team workload πŸ‘ͺ
Blank Resident
@lucchaissac ❀️
jeremy carson
i had been thinking of building something just like this. glad i didn't, because you nailed it! beautiful product.
Blank Resident
@thejeremycarson Glad you liked it, Jeremy.
Erick Barron
Nice looking product. I'm a little confused as to what the logo is suppose to be - is the blue part suppose to be a road going into the horizon?
Blank Resident
@erickbarron86 It's an abstract R and we like to think of it as a light at the end of the tunnel/road. A sunrise.
Ricardo Polo
Congrats. Looks awesome. Two questions: 1. Plans start at 19 but does not say what are the limits. I don't see in the website exactly how much it will cost for our company. 2. Do you have task management? Like each member mark when completed, etc. I can't make me team use Asana and this at the same time. I would replace Asana. I would also love task status. Like each asigned to a project can write the status of the project and chose a color, red, yellow and green, like in Asana
Blank Resident
@ricardopolo Hi Ricardo, thank you for showing interest in Roadmap. 1. Our Beta pricing is based on number of Managers/Admins in your team. We are charging $19 per Admin/Managers with unlimited number of members, projects and all features included. 2. Roadmap currently serves as an overview app for Managers to get a birds eye view of all their projects, milestones with an automated Team scheduling tool. So you can soon import your tasks from Trello or Asana and drop them into Roadmap to get the overview you need to get the most out of your team and see all your work laid out visually to get a better estimates for milestones and deliveries. That being said, we are moving slowly to implement task management features like completing a phase, creating sub-tasks, commenting, attachment etc which we hope to push live in about a month.
Gal Dubinski
Good luck, the product seems cool! :) Would you say that Trello/Asana are part of your competitors?
Blank Resident
@galdubinski Thanks, Gal. No, they are not our competitors. Yet :)
Paul de Fombelle
@farzadban @galdubinski why not? Does it make sense to use Roadmap and Trello, or Roadmap and Asana on a daily basis?
Blank Resident
@paulodef @galdubinski Currently, Roadmap is only in Beta and focusing on the big picture when it comes to project planning so teams currently use Roadmap to plan their projects and team schedules once or twice a week and let Roadmap to do the follow up with the team when it comes to their daily/weekly priorities or upcoming milestones. That being said, we have bigger plans for Roadmap so this is just the beginning.
Shaun t


- user friendly.


- overpriced.

- no subscription cancellation.

- contact customer service no feedback(guess is chatbot)


Easy to use



Blank Resident
Hi Ed, of course you can cancel your subscription :) It's right under the Company menu. We are adding it to the billing overlay as well to make it easier to find. We couldn't find any message from you on Intercom. Are you sure you sent it?
Erik Larsson
Congrats on the launch! Will be interesting to see you grow the product! Best of luck!
Blank Resident
@eriklarsson Thanks Erik.
Mate Media
Looks interesting. Reminds me of Asana at first glance.
Dan Brandt
Cool idea. It reminds me of MSProject. Does it do resource loading. More importantly, how do you do agile project management? Do it have a Kanban like board and backlog? Good to see something new in this space.
Blank Resident
@dbbrandt Hey Dan, Roadmap is a visual project planning tool that automates your team scheduling work so you don't have to do the work twice. You can simply plan any type of project in any size by just drag and drop to get the birds eye overview of all your projects and quickly get your team schedules to manage their workload. Roadmap is also super flexible when it comes to adjusting your plans. Once priorities change Roadmap gives you a summary of all the changes by comparing the estimates with the actual times and how the changes reflect on the plan overall, something Kanban boards fail to deliver.
Dan Brandt
@farzadban Frazad, thanks for the reply. I have been working with different tools for over 20 years. Pretty much all of them. People definitely need to do projects where they estimate the time. In agile projects you only estimate the points (which could loosely translate to time). E.g. 1 = < day, 2 ~ day, 3 ~ 1-3 days etc. You generally only plan a single sprint (e.g. 1 week or 1 month) and put the other tasks in the back log (a prioritized list of todo's). Waterfall projects try to plan the entire thing out. Kanban has it's problems as you point out. It's not good at tracking actual vs. plan. If you plan to integrate with Jira or Trello, I think you need to think about how this could dove tail with an agile approach. I hope this is helpful. For short waterfall projects, this look great. Keep up the good work!!
Kevin C. Whelan
Hi @farzadban - the product looks great, congrats on your release! Is there a mobile app in the works? I didn't see any mention on the site.
Blank Resident
@_kvnw Hi Kevin, happy to hear that. We are currently prioritising features over mobile apps. Once we've made a bit more progress on those, we are going to start working on bringing Roadmap to other platforms like Mac, iOS and Android.
Erhan Karadeniz
Congrats on the launch and goodluck with your product on a crowded niche !
Love it, will recommend my company to give it a try.
Blank Resident
@huangdun Glad to hear that Dun.
Daniel Tasman
Any plans for Asana integration?
Blank Resident
@dantasman You mean Asana? Integrating Roadmap with other tools like Trello, Asana, Jira to import tasks and projects is definitely in our backlog and something that we've been working on lately. Sign up to our newsletter and we'll let you know when its ready. πŸ“¬
Blank Resident
@dantasman πŸ––
Alex Shrestha
Hey Farzad, congrats on launch! Looks amazing. Would give it a try
Blank Resident
@aleksanshrestha Hey Alex, glad to see you here. Thanks!
Nick Neuman
Congrats on launch! How would you compare yourself to ProdPad? We use ProdPad for our high level roadmap and idea management and like it, curious to hear what differentiates you?
Blank Resident
@nick_neuman Hey Nick, Roadmap is designed to give you a visual overview of all your projects and team members schedules in a simple and flexible timeline view. With Roadmap you are able to view your entire roadmap in a birds eye view, zoom in to view the details and switch to Teams to view your teams members workload.
Eslam El-Refae
Looks great
Blank Resident
@5orm Hey Eslam, thanks, glad you liked it.
Eslam El-Refae
Can I customize when the work starts? , Monday is not when works starts in all companies / countries.
Blank Resident
@5orm On Roadmap, you can show/hide weekends in your schedules so you can start your week any day as you wish. That being said, we are currently working on a better solution for this and hoping to release it very soon.