Katerina Schneider

Ritual - Reinventing the vitamin, delivered monthly

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Katerina Schneider
Hi Product Hunters, I'm Katerina Schneider founder and CEO of Ritual (ritual.com). We've built a new kind of health company that believes in simplicity, traceability and fair price. Our first product is a reinvented daily vitamin that is delivered to your door every month. It has only what you need. We are the first company in the space to open up our supply chain so you can see where every ingredient is coming from and what it does in your body. Check us out at ritual.com 👌
Robert Benjamin
@katerinamarkov Love the idea behind the product, and as many others have said the design + branding is fantastic! Would also be interested in men's formula. I am however curious about your decision to include 'Non-GMO' as a seemingly positive trait of your product when GMOs have been shown time and time again to be hugely beneficial. Continuing to encourage the 'GMOs are bad' dialogue is starting to become the new 'Vaccines are bad', and in this case casts a mild blemish on what otherwise seems to be a fantastic product. http://nas-sites.org/ge-crops/20... https://www.geneticliteracyproje... http://www.forbes.com/sites/jone...
Josh Morrow
@robert_benjamin @katerinamarkov Is there any reason as to why the 'Non-GMO' claim is a bad thing? It appeals to a particular consumer. Some people would rather know they are eating food produced the way nature intended. It's merely a preference.
Katerina Schneider
@robert_benjamin We are labeling nonGMO because we know it is an important distinction for our customer. We first and foremost source ingredients that are best utilized by the body. It just so happens that the plant based ingredients that fit our strict criteria are nonGMO. We believe that the regulatory landscape is moving towards clear labeling and we are prepared for that outcome.
Robert Benjamin
@morroworks Yes, it perpetuates the myth that GMOs are a negative trait. No aspect of modern agriculture (not even organic food) is 'produced the way nature intended' in the sense people think it is. Selective breeding has been around a very long time: http://www.businessinsider.com/f...
Nicolas Princen
This looks amazing! I don't really have a vitamin habit but this seems to make the case. Question to the team : is this suited for women and men? Or are you thinking of gender focused products for the future? (Does it even make sense? I know nothing about vitamins). This looks great and I wish you all the best. Will definitely try it out.
Chad Whitaker
@nicoprincen @katerinamarkov I'm curious to know as well :)
Katerina Schneider
@nicoprincen our first product was specially formulated for women because it takes into account the nutrients women are missing from their diets. Men can safely take Essential for Women, however, you'll be getting a little more iron than you need, like eating a bowl of cooked spinach. Men need more Omega-3s, K2 MK7, D3, E as Mixed Tocopherols, Boron, Magnesium and MTHF Folate, and Essential for Women fills those needs. But we'd want to see more zinc for men, at least. Let us know if a men's formulation is something you'd like us to develop 😄
Katerina Schneider
@chadwhitaker it's safe for men to take, in fact we already have lots of male customers because they think we use higher quality ingredients than they've seen anywhere else 👍
Kris Puckett
@katerinamarkov @nicoprincen I would be super interested in a men's formula! Love the concept and your initial focus though. Fantastic design/branding as well.
Ryan Hoover
Excited to see this live. Startups are hard and fundraising is one of the most stressful times. @katerinamarkov did it while 4+ months pregnant. She shared her experience a while back on Forbes. @corleyh, this is a good addition for your Female Founders collection. 🙋🏼
Katerina Schneider
@rrhoover @corleyh would love some love on the female founders collection -- sounds interesting
matt ivester
Such a cool brand and concept. Too bad you don't have a men's product. I'd be interested.
Katerina Schneider
@mattivester thanks! our EFW is safe for men to take, but thanks for your interest in EFM, noted 👍
David Feng
Great philosophy and polish in product. Gonna have to give these a try next to my vitafive gummies! @katerinamarkov @nik_hall
Katerina Schneider
@davidsfeng @nik_hall it's time to get rid of your gummies :) most gummies don't have adequate amounts of omega 3s or necessary minerals
Nik Hall
@davidsfeng you'll have to try both out and let us know your thoughts 😄 Ritual seems like an awesome company and it's always nice to see others trying to make being healthy easier @katerinamarkov
David Feng
@katerinamarkov @nik_hall my wife loves them gummies! I'm not at all religious about getting my vitamins in but gummies make them easy since I can just grab a pack or two and stuff them in my pockets. Integrating into lifestyle is the challenge to overcome! I think I need an app to go along with this so I can be reminded to take them :)
Katerina Schneider
Our product contains nutrients in the form your body easily recognizes and utilizes (also in their Non-GMO, Vegan, Allergen-Free Forms)... 65MTHF vs. Folic Acid, D3 from lichens vs. D2, Omega 3 from Algal Oil, Ferrous Bisglycinate vs Carbonyl Iron etc. The form of nutrients is really important when taking vitamins, so gummies or not, it's important to pay attention to what you are putting in your body always.
Alan Chan
Love what you're doing - my wife definitely needs a vitamin ritual! Who designed your brand and logo?
Katerina Schneider
@itsalanchan thanks! The brand was designed by our talented creative team ⚡️
Sean Glass
Love this!
Katerina Schneider
@sdotglass thanks for the support
Maggie Philbin
I just ordered my first month of Ritual and it comes in this week. Can't wait to try it!
Katerina Schneider
@maggieophilbin thanks Maggie! Can't wait for you to try our 💊💊
Shana Carp
You should think about getting a kashruth certificate. That market is under serviced for vitamins (especially around omega 3s). Depending on the manufacturer and your process, it should be negligible to get the certificate
Katerina Schneider
@shanacarp we are looking into, very doable since we use algal oil for omega 3s!
Shana Carp
@katerinamarkov reach out to me at shana dot carp @ gmail. I'm ex-orthodox with an ex with links to kosher meat packing. A friend of mine from college who I haven't spoken to in a bit used to work for the OU (largest kashruth certifier in the US, though they may not be the best match for you) I might know some other people if I think about it. Note:it's a bit of a bad week for this, as it's hoshannah rabbah/simchat torah as well as the 4th week of on again/off again holidays running since rosh hashanna. I've written emails to family members and have not heard back from them in reasonable periods of time because of this.
Katerina Schneider
@shanacarp thanks so much
Caitlin Daily
This is fantastic and does in fact include all the vitamins my doctor recommend I take that I'm deficient of. Do you happen to post the exact dosages you're getting of each vitamin?
Katerina Schneider
@caitlindaily8 smart doctor -- you can see the dosages here on the supplement facts https://ritual.com/products/esse... and the forms that we are using here https://ritual.com/pages/ingredi...
Caitlin Daily
@katerinamarkov Thanks! But it looks like this info is no longer provided on the website. In the Product Hunt pics provided, this did have the dosages... ...but on the website, this is no longer provided.
Katerina Schneider
@caitlindaily8 the dosages are now listed on the supplement facts on our shop tab! we are working on getting them back up on the individual ingredient pages. I've also pasted ingredient amounts right here just for you: Vitamin D3 2000 IU Vitamin E 10 IU Vitamin K2 MK7 90 mcg
 Folate 600 mcg Vitamin B12 8 mcg
 Iron 8 mg
 Magnesium 50 mg Boron 1 mg Omega-3 Fatty Acids DHA & EPA 320 mg
Julian Lozano
Such a great site, good job!
Katerina Schneider
@julianlozanoaz thanks for the support!
Igor Stumberger
Wow this looks amazing. Any plans on shipping outside US? I know it says we should send an email for a country we're interested, but just wanted to know approximately when do you think you'll begin with this 🙃
Katerina Schneider
@curiousigor what country are you in? Thanks!
Beautiful, transparent, worthwhile. Nice one, @myritual @laurenahayes @katerinamarkov
Shelisa Demuth

i started ritual three weeks ago because i was looking for a multi-vitamin after i stopped taking prenatals following the birth of my daughter. i was not taking any vitamins for approx 1 year before starting this subscription and could feel a difference within 6 days. my mind feels more present and alert and i am finally living my best coffee-optional life. highly recommended!


energy boost. efficiency. minty flavor.


should probably be taken with some food.

Jeff Hill
Great polish and product. When you get a mens formulation I am all in!