The most powerful Venture Capital firm in Silicon Valley. We're launching with our first product, Maybe Capital the board game, where you play a board member and investor.
Could this product be the next billion dollar unicorn idea? This is the most awesome product that ever existed ever. Have you always wanted to be a Venture Capitalist? Now, with Maybe Capital's first physical product, you can participate in the first Venture Capital as a Service. We'll train you to become the best VC you can be, with VCaaS.
It's a satirical board game about Silicon Valley, where players travel up and down the 101 and compete for funding from VC firms and investors. The better you are at pitching, the more millions of dollars you'll earn. :)
The full force of the Maybe Capital Board (Game) Meeting is an epic journey that can take a group of players from Stanford Business School to riches in the course of an evening. The game play moves through a hilarious satire of startup jargon and $6 pour-overs, but the core of the experience is the pitch round, where each player draws two cards and does their best to pitch their pet find to the rest of the board. Juxtaposing key elements of the zeitgeist enables surprising business ideas to become memorable and hilarious pitches. I've never laughed so hard, nor felt so witty, at any other VC board meeting.
A party game for your inner entrepreneur, with just enough structure to enable hilarity and just enough chaos to ensure it.
The cards are way too funny and hit way too close to home.
@new_user_ea84a522fd I bet you’d be better at it than you think! Heres an example: what kind of company would you make it you had these two cards: Bananas and Earbuds
This looked interested so I ordered it a couple weeks ago - but I haven't received any update on when it will ship! Would be great to have some sort of order status page. I was hoping to give this as a gift for a friend's birthday but now I have to scramble for another gift.
@fahdoo Hey there! Im so sorry about the delay. Holiday orders got a little overwhelming and it looks like it was delivered last month? I hope you are now into full on artisanal disruption!
Bubble Pop
I played this at a con and was happy how much it let players' personalities shine through a humorous lens.
Pros:Balanced, judge-less prompt game. Funny without trying too hard.
Cons:Perhaps a little too "inside baseball" for people outside of the tech sphere.
GAFAnomics Season 2
The full force of the Maybe Capital Board (Game) Meeting is an epic journey that can take a group of players from Stanford Business School to riches in the course of an evening. The game play moves through a hilarious satire of startup jargon and $6 pour-overs, but the core of the experience is the pitch round, where each player draws two cards and does their best to pitch their pet find to the rest of the board. Juxtaposing key elements of the zeitgeist enables surprising business ideas to become memorable and hilarious pitches. I've never laughed so hard, nor felt so witty, at any other VC board meeting.
Pros:A party game for your inner entrepreneur, with just enough structure to enable hilarity and just enough chaos to ensure it.
Cons:The cards are way too funny and hit way too close to home.
Bubble Pop
Bubble Pop
Sunday Morning Hangover Helper Kit
Bubble Pop
Mint Data Exporter by Monarch Money
Bubble Pop
Bubble Pop
Most important game about the most important place in its most important era. No resident of the bubble should be without 3 redundant copies.
Pros:Relevant to important people like me and Travis
Cons:Evil is not banal enough, no built-in Soylent cupholder