Chris Buttenham

Reelify - Show Instagram Reels on your online store

Show Instagram Reels on your website & boost conversions.

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Chris Buttenham
Instagram Reels meets ecommerce. I dig it. πŸ”₯ It's 2021, and it's becoming clear that short videos are more entertaining to look at than static photos. This app is going to empower ecommerce businesses to connect deeper with their audiences and the next generation of shoppers. It's going to make brands feel more present, more "reel." 😏 We're going to see a transition from boring old photo galleries to exciting new reel galleries, which create a more immersive user experience. And Shopify seems to agree, having just selected Reelify as a Staff Pick, meaning it gets featured on the Shopify App Store homepage. πŸŽ‰ Overall, @peter_yang, this is some sweet stuff. I'm wondering if you plan to expand outside of Shopify? How do you turn Reelify from a single app to a platform/ecosystem? πŸ€”
Peter Yang
@chris_buttenham, thanks for the hunt! 🐱 Hello Product Hunt! After toiling in the customer review space for a couple years, I realized that a) it was too competitive, and b) I was putting all my eggs in one basket. So, I decided to abandon reviews altogether and focus on another area of interest: Instagram. πŸ“· Why Instagram? As I was doing freelance dev on the side (to pay the bills), I noticed online stores were using Instagram user-generated content (UGC) for much the same reason as reviews: to build social proof, create brand authenticity, and boost conversions. So I had an epiphany: I could build an app to achieve the same effect as reviews, but without actually doing reviews. After realizing a) the rise of short video content, as someone young enough to have friends who post such videos, and b) the fact that no app existed to let store owners share reels on their site, I decided to build an app to do exactly that. And here we are! 🀟 🎬 THE PRODUCT Reelify lets you share Instagram Reels on your online store & boost conversions. πŸš€ Since the Instagram Graph API does not support reels, my app gets around this by letting the user paste the links to their desired reels, which my app then reads and converts into embeddable videos. 🌈 THE VISION Hopefully, as reels become more mainstream, we’re going to see a shift from static photo galleries on websites to lively and engaging reel galleries that create a more immersive and intimate user experience. ❓ QUESTIONS (from @chris_buttenham) 1. YES. Right now, the app is only available on Shopify, but the plan is to expand it across a wider net of ecommerce platforms. 2. This also answers Q2. Shopify is great since it has an unparalleled app store, but once Reelify gains traction, we can start targeting other app stores, performing custom integrations, and so on. It should also be noted that Reelify itself is one product of a larger platform/ecosystem/suite of products offered by Reviewerly (parent company). πŸ’‘ FEEDBACK/QUESTIONS Seriously, I would LOVE feedback from the PH community, and I’m happy to answer your questions. The app is far from perfect, and I would appreciate any advice on pricing, user experience, etc. 🚨 BEFORE YOU GO Get Reelify 3 months free by emailing the code β€œPH2021” to (code does not expire). Also feel free to say hi.