Artur Kiulian

Verb - Your partner for achieving fitness goals 💪

Verb helps you maintain personal accountability & fitness regarding nutrition, water intake, sleep, and stress by learning your habits and checking in daily via SMS.
Just text to get started!
🇺🇸 Verb now is available only for US users.

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Daniel Stoddard
I both use and work on Verb and I have to say I absolutely love it. The simplicity of using SMS vs. an app definitely makes my life easier and it's one less app to have to open to engage with my coach. The weekly reports that are generated from your daily answers are super helpful to aggregate specific patterns/behaviors you might have unconsciously developed and help to rectify them. Excited to see what's next with Verb!
Artur Kiulian
@daniel_stoddard22 thanks Daniel! what's the most amazing thing you've observed about yourself via Verb? how did it help you change your behavior for the good? (if it did, I hope it did haha)
Daniel Stoddard
@arturkiulian I think the most amazing things I've observed are how greatly my sleep pattern results in how I function the next day, as well as certain areas of my life that I can improve upon. I know it's pretty basic, but the more sleep I get, the better I'm able to function and perform the next day. This really became apparent to me through Verb by being prompted daily to report how much sleep I got the night before. I've made sure to make sleep is one of my top priorities. I've switched up my nightly routine to ensure I'm getting the most effective sleep possible. Verb has also made me realize how I need to work on my patience, devoting attention to others, practice mindfulness of my own energy, and learn to navigate stress in a more healthy fashion.
Artur Kiulian
@daniel_stoddard22 that's amazing! Sleep is definitely a big struggle for me and using Verb really help to become more self-aware
Vincent Miceli
@arturkiulian @daniel_stoddard22 Dan you have utilized this product in amazing ways!
Pavlo Kuznyetsov
Digging the concept! Can't find the pricing, is it free for now? What If I'm too lazy to respond, any engagement tricks inside? Good luck guys
Artur Kiulian
@pavlo_kuznetsov it's free for now due to the COVID-19 pandemic but we've always imagined having a paid subscription of $4.99 per month to cover the basic costs of SMS infrastructure. Re engagement, some people actually use this as pure reminders so you don't have to ALWAYS respond, responding occasionally is good enough!
Vincent Miceli
@pavlo_kuznetsov Sometimes I just let it remind me as opposed to answering or interacting. Works however you find it the most useful!
Vladislav Kopaygorodsky
Hey, guys! Why did you decide to use sms instead of an app?
Artur Kiulian
@kopaygorodsky The goal of Verb is not to complicate, but instead to make your experience as seamless as possible. That's why we decided to start from an SMS-based platform and get feedback from our users.
Gusarov Aleksandr
really useful tool, well done
Daniil Kopilevych
The concept sounds pretty exciting! Getting started now
Artur Kiulian
@daniil_kopilevych Thanks for the kind words!
Frank Pezzullo
Grateful to be part of such a great product and team. As a user myself I have learned some daily habits that effect my overall day and it's really neat when that starts to happen. I love the simplicity of text and how it communicates around every individuals life schedule. It's always better knowing that what's being created is to help people become better. Likewise it helps coaches, trainers, and businesses become more effective through engagement. We look forward to helping as many people as we can.
Artur Kiulian
@frank_pezzullo Thanks Frank!
Tom Nassr
I've been using it for a few weeks now - Personally -- I don't do anything with 'fitness'. But its still really useful. The accountability checkins are super helpful for me. Goals, habits I'm trying to instill, and just a good accountability checkin with my stress/water intake/sleep/and eating healthy food. I'd highly recommend it, honestly, the SMS is so nice.
Artur Kiulian
@tom_nassr1 thanks Tom!
Alex Clever
Idea is great. Can I test it from another county? (I am not US resident). I hope Verb doesn't tell me: "Dude, people don’t live like you do" :D
Artur Kiulian
@axclever LOL, good one we are trying to expand to whatsapp asap after this launch.. would that work for you?
Vincent Miceli
@axclever @arturkiulian thats exciting. Whatsapp!
Todd Terrazas
We all need a little more accountability these days. Thank you for creating a useful product!
Artur Kiulian
@toddterrazas exactly, we are all humans after all :)
Ratibor Devyatkin
When is it going to be available for the rest regions?
Artur Kiulian
@ratibor In the next few months, we will work only in the US, but you can subscribe to our updates and we will notify when we will work in other countries 📨
Rohan Ganachari
Interesting concept! All the best. :)
Markiyan Matsekh
finally something to keep my lazy routine somewhat healty. starting now!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
This is a pretty interesting take on a combination accountability bot+human trainer. Using SMS makes the service cross-platform without trying (i.e. no iOS vs Android debate) and allows a lot of experimentation and testing to see what kind of interventions people actually want/need/will respond to before building any complex [visual] UI. Instead, content, workflows, and breadth of service offering can be the focus. In trying out the service I appreciated the check-ins but found their repetitiveness to become easier to ignore by the day. This is a case where a little variety could spice things up and not feel too pre-programmed/automated. I appreciate the free membership during shelter-in-place too!
Artur Kiulian
@chrismessina thanks man, so much appreciated 🙏
Vincent Miceli
@chrismessina thank you for this feedback!
Mark Savchuk
How exactly do you use machine learning in Verb?
Artur Kiulian
@savchukmark ML is used to help coaches on the other side to prepare weekly insights/reports based on user input (understanding unstructured data and responses) and classifying messages into water/food/sleep etc with automatic extraction of values like "barely slept at all" becomes "less than 5hrs of sleep" etc
O. L
Interesting idea
Artur Kiulian
@alexl89 Thanks 😀
I like this concept. Too bad its not available in Europe!
Vincent Miceli
@wessel_g Hopefully soon! Keep an eye out for us!
Tom Medema
Great idea, wondering it its free? Left some thoughts here too on your landing page that might be helpful to you -
Artur Kiulian
@tom4 oh wow, this is an amazing way of delivering feedback! is this your product??
Artur Kiulian
@tom4 feedback implemented! thank you so much!!!
Kiki Schirr
I’ve been lucky enough to be beta testing Verb and I have to say that whenever they begin charging for this service, I’ll pony up! But while it’s free the accountability and ease of use to work with AI combined with the oversight of a human being slash trainer is such a no-brainer and crazy good deal that I’m feeling downright grateful. Thank you, Verb team for building such a flexible and lightweight tool that doesn’t feel like a chore to use.
Artur Kiulian
@kikischirr thank you so much Kiki, this means a lot <3
Alex Petuschak
Really smart idea to start an MVP with SMS rather than building mobile apps! What platform are you using to build SMS workflows?