While I typically use AirTable for generating dashboards and storing internal information, Retool is a pretty slick looking interface to build internal tools. I also love the idea that end users don't need to log in to AirTable for another tool they aren't familiar with. Instead you use forms and other elements to empower your co-workers.
@allnick thank you! I’m a big fan of Airtable as well. We’re currently using it to store leads!
Retool is good if you’re connecting to data you have, in other places. Like SQL databases, APIs, and yes - Airtable. Then you can build all sorts of custom tools on top of them.
Thanks for hunting us!!
@dvdhsu very impressive ! a lot of dev and designer witing for this kind of tools, because we need more Designer friendly app to build custom app...only to be sure, does retool build with Bubble ? and how about on premise option for hosting generated app?
congrats on the launch, quite impressed so far! One question, do you plan on allowing developers to create custom components? E.g. I might like to have a Map component which renders routes, not points. Allowing for this custom developments and allowing to share them in marketplace approach might expand the feature set quickly.
@marcbc we will soon! That’s on our roadmap. If you think about it, all our components have props and state. In the near future, we’ll let you import your own React components!
That's really cool. Your landing page is amazing btw, nice animations ! If there was a way to create admin dashboards with charts it would be great.
Is that a feature you will add in the future ?
@_fones@sahinkevin You can find a full list of components here: https://docs.tryretool.com/refer.... There are plenty of components off the beaten path: tabbed containers, JSON forms, even bounding-box labelling for machine learning data!
@petros Thank you! You don't need to be an engineer! Anyone can use a tool that's already been built and to built one all you need is a basic working knowledge of SQL.
Hi PH! I'm one of the makers of Retool, and we're excited to show you what we've built.
Basically, Retool gives you components (textinputs, dropdowns, tables, etc.), and queries (connect easily to APIs, SQL databases, etc.). In a FRP way, they can interact with each other. So your tables can pull in data from queries, and buttons can pull in data from a table's selected row.
When we show Retool to people, they often think "oh! it's visual basic for the web!". And in many ways - it is! Maybe that's something you think is great - maybe not. In any case, I'd love to hear PH's thoughts. :)
Here's a video demo: https://cdn.tryretool.com/approv... of making an approval workflow in 3min.
If you're curious how it works - here are the docs: http://docs.tryretool.com/.
I really like the idea of your product, being able to create tools without coding. And your apps interface is really nice and smooth to use.An awesome product. The only negative would be that it is quite difficult to first understand how to use the app. Maybe if you made the example product a little less complex, it would be easier to get started with small projects.
Thanks for making this cool tool!
This looks incredibly compelling. When it comes to our current front-ends for both user-facing products and internal tools, we're primarily using Bootstrap, which I'm not the biggest fan of. Looking to try this out!
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