Use AI to tailor your resumes & cover letters to every application and get matched with relevant job openings & instantly generate application answers (Coming soon)
Hi Product Hunt!
Imagine a world where job-seekers land job offers faster, where every resume and cover letter is perfectly tailored to each opportunity, and where the right job finds you before you even have to search.
Years ago, we imagined a world where every job-seeker would have the necessary tools and information to land a job coming from non-traditional backgrounds. This is why we built WonsultingAI and created its next tool as part of its AI job search suite, JobBoardAI. This AI-powered job board looks to solve the frustrations and inefficiencies of the job hunt, making it smarter, faster, and more personalized.
We're thankful and excited to launch JobBoardAI, and to change the way you land your dream job forever. Let's turn more underdogs into winners.
You can check out JobBoardAI here: