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pdflow - A low code solution for extracting info from PDFs


pdflow makes it easy to build sequences to extract info from pdfs. Process up to 7K pages at a time in under 5min! You can try pdflow for free on 1K pages on sign up. We do not store ANY of your file data; all of it is wiped from the cloud after processing.

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0verdrive Connect
https://od.meteorapp.com/pdflow Happy Holidays everyone! pdflow was built by me to make it super easy to build sequences that can extract information from pdfs. I found myself doing this a lot at work, so I figured I would make a tool for it. You can process up to 7000 pages at a time in under 5 min! You can try pdflow out for free on 1000 pages when you sign up. There are a ton of other features I want to add but figured I would get some feedback at this point to make sure I'm building in the right direction. Feel free to message me here or on Discord (https://discord.gg/5es9jQwuNB) if there's additional functionality you think would be useful or if you have any questions/issues getting set up! NOTE that we do not store ANY of your file data - all of it is wiped from the cloud after processing.