Kevin William David

Remoto AI - AI-first recommendations system for automakers & dealerships

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Сергей Коновалов
Hey, guys! @kwdinc thanks a lot for hunting us! This is Sergey Konovalov speaking. I represent Remoto AI team of Bright Box. Today we’re very proud to announce our AI services: retail recommendations for automakers, dealerships (up-sell tools) and customers (market-like tools). Problem. The automotive industry is collecting more and more data about their customers, but targeting in marketing is based almost only on online data, not the data coming from Connected Cars. Idea. It's time to change the way how automotive are selling works, services, parts, accessories and even re-purchase of the new car based on the driver behavior. Additionally, get the real knowledge how cars are in use to optimize dealership offerings for the end customers without any hustle around “hypotheses” about their needs. Solution. Remoto AI is based on our experience creating Remoto (Connected Car Platform), where we’re an operation bunch of the data coming from hundreds of thousands connected drivers. So, we’re using Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning to create recommendations for the customers based on their telematics data coming in. Just to mention, we’re on the market for 5+ years. Each connected car unit generates up to 8.7M records - over 2.3M car status entries on the avg, it is about 70T of raw binary data. More details. At the core of Remoto AI is the idea of clustering people basing on their drivings. And at the end, we are just matching drivers to the recommendations. What do we want here? Just to hear some feedback and cover all the coming questions. And sure, if you ping us, we will provide additional details and info.
Albert Mkhitarian
It's may be a good idea. Here we need some clarifications. Is it going to be a separate app? I am working in the Telematics (Connected cars) Hyundai USA and know what it is. We have our internal applications, you might be heard about Blue link or UVO, or Genesis Connected services. We have plans to build this marketing tool inside of our apps. So, what is the reason for customers to use your app?
Vitaly Baum
@alecor0290 Dear Albert, great pleasure to hear feedback from you! Looks like we have the common customers in a bit different region. To your question, we can provide both API and mobile SDK for you to show all of the recommendations scenarios. Even more, we can cover Dealer Customer Web Portal and Dealship Management System to enrich your customers profile with the recommendations. Even more, we can integrate Voice Assistance like Microsoft Cortana or Amazon Alexa for easy. The simple idea is that we're using telematics data to build that recommendations and it is built from about 300 different parameters to be more precise in targeting. And, as I see, the reason for consumers is that it is more targeted than just provide the generic list of the catalog items. If you want to have more details, just ping me