
Remotewx Jobs API - Easy to use API for remote jobs


A hand curated job board for remote jobs.
We only accept listings for job positions that are fully remote.
With this API, you can build apps by integrating our data feed with remote jobs.

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Howdy Devs! I'm Luc. I've launched Remotewx 🚀 Remotewx is a remote job board on the web to help you find a career where you can work remotely. We only accept listings for job positions that are fully remote. Most of the companies we share are distributed or remote-first companies. The Remotewx API returns the list of all active remote job listings on the Remotewx job board. The API supports an URL endpoint for HTTPS requests and JSON formats as responses. Remotewx is not a typical job aggregator that takes data from other remote job boards. To use our API: Please link to Remotewx as a source. I created the API to extend the reach of All jobs appear delayed by 24 hours so that Google Jobs indexes Remotewx first. Our clients can edit the job posting at any time. Therefore I recommend to query the API weekly or include it in real time via JavaScript. Have fun with it! Best, Luc