
Remotelane 3.0 - Remote Jobs for Everyone with the most simple ux and search

Daily-curated Remote Jobs for Everyone
- simple list (Hacker News style)
- simple & fast search powered by Algolia
- only the latest jobs from the last 30 days
- no long descriptions, just simple titles and links
- no ads
- simple email newsletter

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Hi there 👋 we just released version 3.0 of The versions before had too much noise in it e.g. the cells were too big, unnecessary description, ads were added, etc. So this time we focused on trying to make it as simple as possible. Next.js with Tailwind was used for the Frontend and for the Backend Hasura to access the DB easily via GraphQL. Algolia was used for search. The page consists of remote jobs from all around the web from the last 30 days. The search works simple with executing the search after stop typing for 1s without the need to press a button thanks to Algolia Search. The list item itself are just titles of the positions with the company next to it and the link to apply behind it. The "Post a Remote Job" Feature is as simple as possible, just provide the job title, company name and the link to apply. Also the newsletter is just a simple list like the website itself. There are a lot of existing remote job boards, but all had too much noise on the page, so we've built this. All feedback is welcomed.
Vladimír Seman
looks simple, i would appreciate if you add some icons next to the job so that i can clearly see the job type + some filters. anyways, it is good timing as the market should grow.
@vladojsem Thank you for the valuable feedback. Really appreciate it and will consider filters and icons in the future
mihaela cojocari
How does this stand out from other job search websites? other remote search websites :)
@mihaela_cojocari It's just the simple functionality and the simple design. For a detailed description check out this post
Saumeen Damico
You Made It Happen
Sustaita Alam
Sabrina Baca
You�ve Got It
Eldridge Ewing
Jeff Barck
Francisco Angelo Cabelo
Looks clean and efficient, congratulations on the release.
Brady Olaer
You�re Tops
Mike Durand
Fantastic concept!
Adiey Raghav
Congrats team
Kirk Gadvi
Great Discovery
Adam Cortes
Catherine Mazrieva
Super cool product.