Jessica Lybeck

UnFuck the Future - The antidote to climate doomscrolling

UnFuck the Future is a browser extension that provides users with snarky, one-minute climate actions whenever they are reading depressing news. Why the profanity? The climate crisis is a fucking emergency, and there’s no time to give a shit about niceties.

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Jessica Lybeck
Hey PH! Not sure if you've noticed, but the future seems pretty fucked right now. The earth’s on fire, oceans are rising, and 1% of the people on the planet are largely responsible for a looming human extinction. We were sick of feeling helpless and spent way too much time doom scrolling through articles about wildfires, droughts, flooding and dire predictions by smart scientists. So @dmackinn built this extension in one night after a Alanis Morissette & Garbage concert 😂 How it works: 1. Install the chrome extension 2. Next time you read an anxiety-ridden climate article, a little tab will pop up with some snarky one-minute climate actions from top environmental NGOs and nonprofits. 3. We’ll congratulate you for taking action like the noble beast you are. We'll wager that you'll feel better by doing something to change the system. You’ll laugh at delicious puns. Oh, there’s also the added bonus of lighting a fire under the asses of greedy corporations and dilly-dallying politicians. So next time your anxiety spikes and you experience that all-too-familiar existential dread, turn to UnFuck the Future - the antidote to stressful climate news.