Hi all,
After watching Sword Art Online (an anime about VR) with Gabriel a few years ago we set out to build our own VR headset. We open sourced it and made a Discord server with hundreds of other VR enthusiasts who helped improve the headset.
We are now really excited to release Relativty based on what we learned with our community! It still feels a little surreal for us that we did exactly what we wanted since middle school: to build our own VR headset, play with it, experiment with it, and surround ourselves with other VR enthusiasts.
We hope more people will join in and that you’ll appreciate our headset. Let us know what you think!
Sorry but this isn't a VR headset. It only supports 3doF (normally 6) and doesn't have controllers. Its the same you can do by putting your phone to your face.
It would work better as a WMR or similar, using webcams and AI to track room scale is what sony has been trying since the early 2000 and it doesn't really work accurately enough
Not trying to be harsh or anything but a screen in your face is really different from a 6doF, hands in the game, VR experience
The SteamVR driver is meant to be used with other equipment (e.g Leap Motion)
It actually is 6doF. The AI Tracking ensures the six degrees of freedom.
You could have looked at the website where the accuracy is addressed.
@uriel_salischiker This whole thing is fishy, it's been submitted 12 times on reddit and most of the comments on the comments here are from brand new accounts.
I know Maxime since he is 15 years. I am very excited to hunt is product today. In a world where knowledge is freely available, this what it is possible to do. It is very impressive.
Had the opportunity to try out the finished product and it’s mind-blowing what you can do with his kit 💥 thanks Maxime for building this and making it accessible to all!
This headset is 3DoF, so you might as well use your phone.
After reading the page, it costs more than $200 to make, and there’s no advantage here over a WMR.
They say they’re hiring to make a standalone alone; I seriously doubt they understand how hard that is, especially since this project has no dedicated tracking, controllers, or much else.
The way they are advertising seems like a project that could only appeal to someone who has zero experience with VR.
This link has been spammed 12 times on Reddit, and the comments in here are full of brand new accounts praising it.
@livejamie Stop being jealous and to critisize something you don't even know how hard it was to build this VR Headset. And even if they "spammed" on Reddit as you said, they have to make their job known, so they're doing their ads, and that's totally normal.
They've done a great job, they started from litterally 0. And if you'd know them, you would know that it is not bullshit. You would know that what they're doing right know it's just a step for a bigger projet.
I had the opportunity to meet Max a couple of years ago and I was just baffled by the genius of the guy at such a young age. His product is just amazing and is going to disrupt the VR industry!
Hi, I had the opportunity to talk with Max few months ago.
I was very impressed about his hard work to make possible what people said it wasn’t, and about his age, he started at 15 !
He is for sure smart, very talented in VR and ready to make it available open source for less than 200$ ! Congratulations Max and Gabriel, and thank you.
Max and Gab are real pioneers of the VR industry, this is just the beginning of their journey. I was lucky enough to try their new open sourced headset and it is mind blowing, can’t believe anyone can make this for $200!
From what I’ve read, this product has limited tracking and no controllers. Also only a 2k (per eye?) display, which is not great.
You could just buy a windows mixed reality headset for roomscale and 6dof controllers for this price. Which would be a much better experience allowing you to play most games on steam.
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