Ben Lang

Reelgood - Always pick the perfect movie

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Ben Tossell
Last Friday @matthartman & @shaanvp were discussing the common issue of trying to find something on Netflix, the whole scenario of searching for a long time and then watching something for 2 mins, turn if off, repeat, go to sleep etc. It's a very common issue. @shaanvp mentioned Yahoo Video Guide as something that could potentially help with this problem. Reelgood looks like it could help address this issue too. Keen to hear from people who have tried it out. @davidsanderson1 @genadyo Are there genre sections/filters? Can the app suggest recommendations based on what you have watched and reviewed highly? Based on similar patterns with other users. My big question is : What will be the motivator for people to click "saw it" or even review a movie... I know there may be the issue where people just don't bother. Are you worried that this may just become a search alternative for finding a movie to watch. Maybe a push notification that pops up after a certain amount of time asking to review the movie... like an Uber pop-up w/ 5 star rating system?
Cat Burhenne
@bentossell Yes, we have filters for genre/streaming source/coming soon/in theaters. We don't suggest recommendations based on what you've watched and reviewed. Instead, we recommend the movies that your friends rated highly. We've seen with our testers that the motivation to leave a review was to help their friends out.
Ben Tossell
@catburhenne cool Maybe something to think about integrating :) - I don't always like the same movies as my friends but likely some previous movies I've watched and left a good rating, I'd be keen to watch others that are similar. Nice to have the option of both IMO Do you think that 'helping out friends' is a big enough motivation to keep people doing it over and over? I could tell that I wouldn't be so bothered to help my friends out in that way... more likely to talk to them and say about a movie and if it was good or not. Maybe if you looked at gamifying it slightly... so you could become a "Critic", "Super-Critic", "Movie Buff" etc for how many reviews you leave in the app. Have a leaderboard. People could then see the leaderboard, see that Ben is the top rated, and top rated for comedy category - then see what films he watched recently and what he recommends, add to your watchlist and play :) I think that would be really cool!
Simon Burns
@bentossell a really cool app worth checking out is Mubi ( They have a curated streaming service for indie and foreign films. My girlfriend and I had the same issue you're describing, always having to search for great content on Netflix. In the absence of a social component to aide in discovery, ie; the Spotify model, or the Apple Music model, ie: curated and highly personalized, is second best. From a documentary on an esoteric German architect, to a French love story and a Plumme D'Or winning but long forgotten drama - Mubi is just on point every night with their recommendations. I've gotten 3-4 of my friends on it and they all love it.
Ben Tossell
@realsimonburns nice! will take a look. I definitely think having both options would be amazing... can cross-reference the two recommends and better filter down your choice :) Maybe that's just my preference. I like limited choice curated by others. The more criteria that has whittled down my options, the better.
christopher lake
@bentossell I just wish Netflix included trailers already!
Benjamin Cates
Any date for the android version?
David Sanderson
@catesb Aiming to start on the android version in the new year. Our backend developer is an Android guy and won't stop hounding us until we do :)
Kelvin Stinghen
@catesb I was wondering about the same thing! Let the poor people (like me) that can't afford the price of happiness, I mean iOS, be happy at least with your product! Thanks :)
David Sanderson
Hi Product Hunt! We made Reelgood to solve a problem that bothered us: Why is it always so hard to figure out what movie to watch? Shouldn't there be an easy way to keep track of movies to see? Why not overlap this list with friends’​ lists? Reelgood is our solution to always pick the perfect movie, because your friends' opinions are better than the critics’ and because flipping through movies aimlessly shouldn't be our only option. Looking forward to hear what you think!
Guy Avigdor
Brilliant app! Love it! Any plans for a series focused version?
David Sanderson
@guyavigdor Yup! We gotta figure out how to do it cleanly, but it's on our roadmap (cause we want it too :D )
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
Hubby and I will give this a shot. Although watching a movie you dislike is unlikely to cause physical pain, we actually spent more time choosing the last movie than we did watching it. The madness must end.
David Sanderson
@kkdub Agreed!
Yair Kivaiko
I love this so much. Taking the social approach to a very social space. Where was this before? Amazing
David Sanderson
@kobaiko Thanks man!
Bharath Patel
Love the idea. I would love to see TV series version :)
Cat Burhenne
@bharathpatels Thanks! TV series are in the works!
Tyler Swartz
I really like this idea, I often come across great trailers for upcoming films, but then by the time the release date arrives I've forgotten about them. Downloading now!
Stephen M. Levinson
I'm a bit confused about what to do in the app. I thought it was going to give me recommendations, but the apps only function looks to be adding movies you've watched, want to watch and a way to look up movies/actors. I read above that you don't actually get recommendations based on what you've seen/want to see, but instead just compile a list of movies you and your friends have seen (and like) to compare. This means the app's functionality is tied directly to my friend joining and actively creating their list, and I can't really do much in the app by myself to get value. I'm also not sure "Recommendations" is the correct word to use to market the app. My friends might have seen 100 movies, but is that considered recommendations? They may have seen 100 movies, and only enjoyed 2. "Here's something Jon thinks Stephen will like" - Recommendation "Stephen and Jon might like this movie" - Recommendation "Here's a list of 10 movies Jon watched" - Not really a recommendation. "Jon and Stephen want to watch these 10 movies" - This is valuable, but its just a list comparison, and we may not enjoy those movies after watching them. I'm assuming you want people to rate movies, and not just compare a list of 100 movies irregardless of how much they were enjoyed. But in the UI to rate the movie I need to tap on the "Plus" and then tap on that again once it becomes a Ticket icon (hidden- Didn't know you could tap it again since it looks like an on/off state) and then you'll see the blue check, then tap on the poster, and then tap on "Share Review" then tap on the stars, then tap "Share." In determining what two people may want to watch, I was under the assumption that based on the movies i've seen or want to see, and they've seen or want to see, we would get recommendations and not just a comparative list. It may be the way its marketed which is why I'm a bit confused, but using the app feels like a movie list maker - you designate the friend recommendation aspect to one tab (but isn't that what the whole app is about?). The tag line "Always pick the perfect movie" didn't seem to reflect the app when I opened it to play around. What I was really excited by, since my roommate and I always watch Netflix, are to have recommendations about something new to watch that we'd both enjoy based on what we've liked or have seen or want to see. We may both want to see "GI JOE" but we might hate it. It'd be more valuable to me if we were presented a film that has a high probability of being enjoyed by both of us. Don't mean to rant, but I was so excited. I hope this feedback is useful.
Eli Chamberlin
@stephenmarklevi Thank you so much for your review! As a designer I'm sure you can appreciate how valuable this thorough, early feedback is to us. While we’re very much at our MVP stage with many improvements to come, hopefully I can peel back the curtain and answer a few of the questions you posed: 1. In regards to the word “recommendations," it is something of an imperfect catchall for a few of the expereinces a user might have in app: seeing a friends review (not a direct recommendation but more of a an endorsement), discovery of new movies based on a collection of friend reviews (generates a list of indirectly recommended movies) and a direct recommendation function that can be found by visiting a friends profile or going thru any individual movie profile (the truest form of recommendation.) Sometimes words fail to capture the essence of a bundle of more nuanced interactions. 2. The review process: we certainly agree with you here. While we like the simplicity of the “to-see” and “seen” list, without reviews it is difficult for users to figure out which of those movies are worthwhile and which are not. Our 1.1 version already puts in a place a few new interactions that are designed to address this exact issue and encourage users to leave more reviews. 3. All those to-see, seen, and comparative movie lists in lieu of more precise recommendations. Admittedly, we don’t have the full robustness we’d like yet. As we gain more users and have a deeper understanding of what people and their friends would like to see, we can better build algorithms around them and create a bit more recommendation magic. For now, these comparative lists allow users to make their own judgements and help settle the debate over what to watch come movie night. Thank you again for the thoughtful remarks. Since design is never done we hope you’ll enjoy the new features we are currently working on for future versions. May every movie you watch be a banger!
Yoav Anaki
Reelgood looks fantastic. This is definitely a problem we have, so will try it out for sure. Any plans for a browser version? I feel like most of our movie hunts occur on the desktop, not on mobile.
David Sanderson
@yoavanaki Ya! In the new year we'll be working on a desktop and android version.
Ouriel Ohayon
missing an important filter: recently added and Imdb/rotten tomatoe filtering.
David Sanderson
@ourielohayon Thanks Ouriel! We don't have IMDB scores but we do have Rotten Tomatoes - If you hit Sort - Rotten Tomatoes Score you'll see the movies sorted from highest to lowest :)
Ouriel Ohayon
@davidsanderson1 @ourielohayon i want to be able to combine the stream source, the ratings and the recency..
Eric Scott Johnson
Like the idea, but the "theaters" section seems way out of date (Ant-Man, Scorch Trials at the top, when those both came out months ago). And "coming soon" seems to only have a few big blockbusters (Star Wars, Marvel and DC movies). Would also be good if this could filter by what's in theaters in a certain region or -- even better -- if I could manually select which theaters I want to see movies from.
David Sanderson
@heyheyesj Hey Eric! We've tweaked In Theaters and Coming soon. As for the theaters thing, completely agree - had this problem last night. Will be working on this in the coming months.
Máxel Milliam
Not available worldwide?? 😒
How to dislike or ignore any movie or tv-series?
Roseann Burhenne
I always can find what I want to watch!