Customer Feedback and Bug Reporting Software.
The easiest way to send feedback and report bugs. Capture screenshots or record screens of any website, highlight issues using annotation tools, and submit them to your favourite issues tracking systems.
I have been using Redpen for a long time. Redpen is a game-changer for our development team. It helps us to simplify our development and testing workflow. We can save lots of time in bug reporting and resolution.
Redpen's intuitive interface, efficient bug-reporting capabilities, seamless collaboration features, and integration greatly enhanced our productivity and streamlined our bug-reporting and tracking process.
I highly recommend it to any software development team looking to boost efficiency and deliver high-quality products.
so great! I had been looking for something like this.
maybe if when people click on the RedPen they could be instructed somehow on what to do?
I imagine that some of the users of one app of mine couldn't understand what to do or even if the tool exists!
Hi I have just checked your website. It looking good. But one thing I must mention
is to improve the website Core Web Vitals. The performance is now 44 according
to google page speed check.
I am SEO expert and I can help you in this regard. I will improve the page speed
above 90 and will also implement schema where needed. Which I think will really help
to improve your business. I will do this task Free of Cost.
Let's start it!
Olly - Your AI Social Media Co-Pilot