Loving these tools! Definitely becoming a competitive space:
Reply - http://replyapp.io | https://www.producthunt.com/tech...
PersistIQ - http://persistiq.com
Prospect.io - http://prospect.io@oarevalo + @ryanjeffords - I'd love to know how you guys plan to break out from the crowd!
One feature I've been dying for is SMS integration into a workflow -- so, send an email, then send another 2 days later, than an SMS a day after that (if no response), ideally then it could send me a notification to call the person (or add a todo to my todo list).
Multi-channel automated follow-ups seem like a natural extension, especially if you're gearing this as a sales tool!
@tyler_carlson I'm using reply app right now, but there's no SMS support, so it's good, not great. Still searching for the best solution to the workflow I described in my comment!
This is really cool guys - great job.
One thing - it took a few fair amount of clicks to get setup; I think I had to authorize twice and then refresh the page, which then asked me to re-sign in to Rebump. Not sure if it was my supremely wack Internet connection tonight but just thought I'd point it out so you can monitor it further. Maybe keep an eye out for a double re-sign-in-thing happening.
Testing this out over the weekend!
Interesting...but SaneBox.com has a similar server side feature that doesn't force me to use Gmail. I could never go back to using email without SaneBox.
Love tools like this. Curious to hear how its different from Outreach.io (which is awesome, but pricey :( )
Also is there a Salesforce integration? to keep track of all the convos?
Rebump has actually been around for a while. I've been asked numerous times to "integrate" Rebump functionality into my product, GMass. We have a lot of users in common, and I know that those who use Rebump love it.
Muzeek (Beta)
The Groundwork
Obie for Chrome