Abhishek Sharma

Reboot - It's okay to take a break

Take small breaks from your work and re-energize yourself by doing nothing for some time.

Stuck on a bug since morning? Creative block? Relax. Take a break.

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Abhishek Sharma
I am fascinated by the idea of minimalism and meditation, So I created this small app that helps you to take a break from whatever you are doing and do nothing. Inspired from donothingfor2minutes.com
@thelittlewonder Can you bundle this into a chrome extension to make it easier to access?
Abhishek Sharma
@adetona77 Yeah! Brilliant Idea. Will definitely work on this. For now, you can add it to the home screen of your mobile. It works offline :)
Nenad Novaković
@thelittlewonder @adetona77 Would definitely use as an extension. When you consider making it as extension, make it cross-browser too. Some people use Firefox. 😂
Chris | Vrixe

It would feel like a timer, if I did not know what it is meant for. This could be really useful if a lot more is done to really understand and further the psychology behind taking a break, I hope to see more in future updates. Its a neat one


Simple and direct to the purpose.

No spams.



Potential of the app not yet fully explored.

As an app based on personal loyalty, less is done to help that

Dan Magidenko
Can't wait for its release
Honestly, this is the cutest thing in the entire world, aghh! I am so intrigued by the minimalistic design and concept, it's so amazing! Hopefully, many people can put this to a good use. It is always okay to take a break! 😊
Lovely minimal. Like it! Mobile app and browser extension would be great.