Roy Marmelstein

Deep Dreamer - Process images and video with Google's (uncanny) Deepdream

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Roy Marmelstein
Excellent interface for Google's creepy/cool Deepdream . Good work Realmac!
Samuel Beek
Love this. Been amazed by this technique for quite some time now. This awesome technology is now finally available to people who can't program. Bought a license instantly; well done RealMac team!
Nik Fletcher
@samuelbeek Thanks for supporting us, Samuel!
Dan Counsell
Thanks guys, if you have any questions about it just let me know :)
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@dancounsell this is so amazing — I'm so glad you put this together! Jumping ahead — will it be able to export animated movies?
Dan Counsell
@chrismessina yeah, it already can. You can give it a small movie, or give it a still image and switch on the deepdream settings. We'll be updating the manual tomorrow with more details:
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@dancounsell awesome.
Daniël W. Crompton
Oh, wow!