Johnny Boufarhat

Sources by Readory - Discover your next favourite blog, aggregator, or community

Sources is a ranked database of blogs, aggregators and communities that you can subscribe to on the readory platform which will tie-in to our feed feature coming soon. The goal is to help readers discover great content sources from all over the web, not just the the front page of search engines.

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Johnny Boufarhat
Hi Everyone, the plan is to add features slowly but surely to let Readory become the one platform for written content. This feature will eventually tie-in with a feed that is coming soon -- subscribe to your favourite categories, sources, and users and you'll get a feed of the best things to read based on those attributes and global popularity. Anyways, feel free to ask me any questions here or dm me on twitter!
@johnny_boufarhat will readory accept sources from different languages?
Johnny Boufarhat
@ferminrp As we grow that's a good idea (which I hadn't thought about), at this point I think it would be overkill. Perhaps I could add "language" to the filter but it could get a little bit messy. If you have any suggestions let me know!
@johnny_boufarhat as long as readory doesn't include my local "sources" it wont fully cover my content needs. I obviously understand I may not be your target audience, but something to think about further down the road. If it is limited to a single language I'll always have more than one feed, or news source.
@johnny_boufarhat The links seems to be broken , it takes me to https://https// instead of
Johnny Boufarhat
@i_shank Thanks for the feedback, fixed now!
Lameece Nagib
I love what your doing with readory, with the speed that Readory is improving I can imagine how great this tool is going to be once there is many sources on there. The 'explore' section of the app needs a bookmark feature as currently when I find great posts I am having to search through my upvotes...
Johnny Boufarhat
@lameece_nagib Thanks for the feedback! The bookmark feature was actually in a while ago but it wasn't that well implemented. It's on the roadworks to finish in two to three days a brand new favourites page (with collections). If you have any ideas let me know!
Pawel Pietruszka

JB of Readory is working around the clock to improve readory, and yet again he has surprised me with this new feature, which will make using the portal even more pleasant. Keep at it, Readory team - you’re off to a great start!


Simple, clear and easy to use. First feature of its kind on web



Johnny Boufarhat
Much appreciated!!
Dre Durr💡
How are you pulling in the data from the multiple sources? dope 🚬 🚬
Johnny Boufarhat
@dredurr I'm pulling it in from three sources with a weekly cron job - Readory is built with Ruby on Rails. From there got a few algorithms to setup rank and monthly viewers based on some of the attributes we get... Thanks for the feedback!
Dillon Nichols
I'd love to see a category on "Making". Makezine, Hackaday, Instructables, Hackster - that sort of stuff. I think that category has a ton of smaller blogs and would be interesting to see how they stack up vs the big players.
Johnny Boufarhat
@dillon1337, I'll look into it! BTW, does it not fit within Tutorials/how-to or Entrepreneur? (clueless on those you mentioned )
Dillon Nichols
@johnny_boufarhat I guess it could fit into the tut/howto section, but it's not where I would've looked
Johnny Boufarhat
@dillon1337 Ok, I'm going to rework the categories as I think they can be improved and better clarified! Thank's for the feedback Dillon!
John Bandek


Simple, easy to use. Very convinient and useful.



Johnny Boufarhat
Thanks John!
Stephen Chapendama

Been using Readory for just over a month now and Sources is a great addition to the platform. From finding interesting articles to now finding new sources of information. Definitely going in the right direction.


Very user friendly and easy to use.



Johnny Boufarhat
Cheers! Feel free to let me know if you have any ideas!
Dan Dan
Feedback: It needs a one button click to the website. If there's one I can't find it, but I just want to go to the site listed and not to another page with more stats about the site. The hover scale effect temporarily blurs the text in chrome which I believe is a chrome issue, but annoying nonetheless.
Johnny Boufarhat
@tostartafire There is one, but it is way too hidden -- when you click on the source you should see on the top right a "external link" icon. I'm going to make it way more obvious. Also I'll check out the hover scale effect, as I'm on chrome desktop - too you're talking about the "sources" page right ?
Dan Dan
@johnny_boufarhat Right -> On the sources page, where you list all the sources, there should be a button to link me directly to the source/site. As is, when I click on the source card, I go to a details page and then from there I need to click on the link to go to the source/site. From the sources list page (cards), I should have both options: 1. Link to source details 2. Link directly to source (new window) ProductHunt does this. I think it's rather hidden, but it's an option.
Johnny Boufarhat
@tostartafire Ah ok on the card, perhaps that is a good idea I'll look into it! Thanks so much for the feedback I think your right!
Jesus Ignacio Vivas Zavala

is a very good place to post and research about articles, good idea to use if you want to investigate about a subject and if you want to get more reach on your articles Readory is a great tool to add in your workplace


easy to use and a lot of potencial



Johnny Boufarhat
Thanks alot!
Vlad Korobov
Nice resource, willing to have more communities including Google Groups and Facebook groups. The button link to the website is broken "https://https//" – please fix
Johnny Boufarhat
@vladkorobov Just fixed it, eventually I would love to have more communities but it wouldn't be facebook and google groups. Facebook and Google have many options to find groups and also the algorithms we use to calculate worth and views unfortunately wouldn't work on the facebook and google domain. Thanks alot for the feedback
Marcel Christianis

I'm always constantly looking for new sources of information and this is definitely very helpful :)


Aggregator that aggregates aggregators. Aggreception!


None at the moment

Johnny Boufarhat
This is true.
Arya Mokhber

Sources is a great addition to the platform, excellent for finding new sources of information. Great work!


Simple, convenient, user friendly, with great potential



Johnny Boufarhat
Daniel Glickman
I am still studying this.
Johnny Boufarhat
@daniel_glickman Please tell me what you find (feedback wise)
great new feature and love the ranking idea - looking forward to using it!
Johnny Boufarhat
@graeme_fulton Cheers Graeme!