Andrew Bennet

Reading List - An iOS app to track your reading

Reading List is an iPhone and iPad app to help readers track what they are reading and plan what to read next. Managing your books in Reading List is fast and effortless, and all data is privately held and freely exportable.

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Andrew Bennet
Hi there! 👋 Today I'm releasing version 2.0 of Reading List for iOS 🚀 Reading List is an iPhone and iPad app to track and plan your reading. It has been growing in popularity in the app store for a few years, spreading via word-of-mouth. Version 2.0 brings some big changes to the app which have been highly requested and have been in the works for a long time. 📖 Background I've always been a keen reader, but found that the amount that I was reading would go up and down throughout the year, but I did not have a good way of monitoring this. During a slow patch, I'd finish a book and could not remember how long I'd been reading it. I wanted a way to record the date I started and finished each book, but I didn't want to spend ages keying this info in: I wanted to have as little interaction as possible. To my surprise, I could not find anything in the App Store which would do this satisfactorily. There were a handful of options, but all had their flaws. Goodreads was the most prominent, but with all of the many features it has, the core functions I wanted (adding books, logging dates) were cumbersome and fiddly. Added to that, the Goodreads app doesn't function at all while offline, which was an annoyance when a lot of my reading was done on the tube (London's subway network). So I decided to build something for myself. Many months later, I pushed onto the App Store and people started to find it. Over time, the app got more and more users, and I started to get more and more feature suggestions. Version 2.0 is a brand new version which introduces highly requested features. ✨ What's New? Reading List Pro – for the first time, I am charging for use of the app: certain especially-powerful features will be paid-for (a one-time purchase). iCloud Sync – keep your data in sync between iPhone and iPad. I developed the syncing functionality myself, rather than relying on an out-of-the-box solution, so that I could have complete control over the synchronisation process. The sync engine is built to be fast, reliable and robust. A New Look – a snazzy new app icon and a refreshed UI make the app look even better. Many screens in the app have been entirely rebuilt. List Management – a redesigned screen for management of custom book lists, now with search and filter, makes managing your book lists even easier. Appearance Customisation – custom app icons and dark mode override. Multiple iPad Windows – run the app in multiple windows for more powerful library management. And More – there are numerous improvements and fixes throughout the app. 🔮 Where Next? I love that Reading List has such a passionate user-base. The reviews and emails I receive have really been amazing, and I plan to keep developing the app while maintaining the simplicity and usability which so many people love. My feature roadmap has a lot of features on it – re-reads, analytics, more granular read states, to mention a few – so if you have opinions please get in touch! I'm happy to answer any questions or receive any feedback. Happy reading!
Joseph Wood
I’ve been using this app for a while now to track my reading. It’s by far the best one. Very excited for the 2.0 update!
Andrew Bennet
@iamjmw Thanks for the kind words! Glad you like it
Bryan Clark
Been using Reading List for a year now - it's *really* nice to keep tabs on books to read later (without the ugly, unusable panopticon of Goodreads). Go get it!!
Andrew Bennet
@bryanjclark Thank you for the words and the perfect description of Goodreads 😆