Folks from Appbase are launching an open-source data components library for building real-time user interfaces with React. By binding UI components with data, Reactive Maps takes away the pain of building complex UIs involving interactive maps.
@kwdinc Thanks for the hunt Kevin! ReactiveMaps is a React based components library for building realtime maps and much more. We have 20+ components available now ranging from Lists, Sliders, Search Boxes, Calendars, Buttons, Dropdowns, Feeds and Maps.
We have been rushing out the release, but you can play around with all the available components here -
or see more formidable use-cases built with the library at
The big promise of component reusability and (the seeming) convergence around a standard imho is a much more robust and automated dev tooling on the frontend.
Hello Product Hunters, this is one of our first few projects focused on data-driven UI components. More to come. Direct Github link -
@mdavep an external source would be needed for getting the boundary data, ReactiveMaps supports representing it in most forms (gradient, polygons, lines) over the map.
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