Reach is an influencer marketplace that allows influencers to sell promoted posts, and allows brands to book those services. Influencers choose what they're willing to post, set the prices, and brands book these posts in a streamlined fashion.
I also think that you might be missing the point here that influencer marketing is all about the clout, mystery and unknown value. Influencers, like musicians or artists don't want everyone to know what their price is because that will damage them.
@shira_jeczmien yeah, we've been in touch with quite a few of them, and we have ways to deal with this very thing you mention. I always thought it was like a feature on a song. Nobody really wants people to know they charge 10k for a feature (whether they do or not). We can always play with things along the way. (especially with privacy settings and choosing who can view your prices).
@johnny_leonardo thanks John for the info! Yes that's exactly that, the difficulty to reach them and book them is part of the 'hype' in this industry. But I like your product so good luck! It looks dope
So I've tried it. It says you have Rihanna on board β the musician? Unless you want a lawsuit you should probably remove all the fake accounts. It seems very focused on treating influencers as a commodity rather than sharing their photos and interesting information like what makes them stand out. Also John there's a major flaw where I can see all the fake profiles you've made and it has your name above them lol
Hi Product Hunt! π
@chrishorton and I made Reach because we were tired of seeing "Business Inquiries" emails in influencer bios.
I've always been obsessed with Airbnb and how open and streamlined their process of booking a homestay is. I've always thought that influencer marketing should be like this. If I want to advertise on Snapchat or Apple Search Ads right now, it's dead simple. You sign up, put in a credit card, choose your target audience, set spending, and your campaign is up and running. This is how influencer marketing should be, and ultimately this is what we want Reach to become.
Right now, it is iOS only, but I promise that Web and Android platforms are coming soon. (It's just me and Chris right now and we're also students).
We just shot the link around to a few influencers and already have a reach over 4 million followers. By the end of the month, we will have a total influencer network of over 100 million followers.
If you have any questions about the actual business and not implementation questions, ask @chrishorton - he's good at that stuff.
Love the concept!
Definitely streamlines the process of sourcing collaborations for early-stage influencers.
Any plans to display more granular data about the influencers audience?
@lachlankirkwood yeah absolutely! I just wanted to get something as simple as possible out first. there's lots of fine-tuned analytics features coming very soon.
I had a company in this space back in 2015/16 when you could basically crawl the Instagram API. We differentiated by providing a lot of powerful analytics around _who_ an influencer was actually influencing. Then Instagram updated their terms to kill off influencer marketplaces and that was the end for us.
It's a very competitive space. There are dozens of companies with large databases of influencers they built back when it was easier to scrape the API. We had 100M accounts in our database (about 25% of all IG accounts at the time), and about 1.5M of those we qualified as influencers with contact information.
I don't think anyone has "won" this space, so no reason you can't come in and win. But, it will be an uphill battle, so make sure to do the competitive research and understand how you will stand out. It also appears there are multiple influencer apps in the App Store using "Reach" in their name, which makes it confusing when searching for you.
Good luck and feel free to reach out if I can answer any questions.
@ihor_levenets1 I've never heard of Modash.
edit: just looked at it. We're focusing on mobile-first to begin with. I don't think they have a mobile client? Other than that, they look really nice. We will differentiate with more advanced enterprise/team features, mass campaigns, and more detailed analytics down the road.
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