@rrhoover oh sorry, tried searching but there were so many other "re" matches I didn't see it! search result sort by votes is usually helpful but worked against me in this case :)
HTC says it wants to get the smartphone "out of the way," a concept I really like. While I love that I can snap a photo any time with my phone, I often get annoyed with myself for going too far & getting caught in capturing the moment rather than living it.
The form factor here is promising - feels designed to just hold without getting in the way. I have a new puppy & could see myself bringing this to the dog park to film her being adorable (can't see myself strapping on a GoPro for that).
Not sure how content I'd be with absolutely no viewfinder though. In theory I like that it'll force me to look at things even while recording, in practice I'm not sure how great image quality would turn out to be. Would love to see more "shot with RE" photos/video before deciding.
Product Hunt
Mashable for iPhone
Mashable for iPhone