Jon Henshaw

Site Auditor - Find, fix and optimize your site for search engines


Site Auditor quickly analyzes your site to find all of the desktop and mobile SEO issues that may be keeping your site from ranking on search engines like Google.

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Rand Fishkin
You should be really proud of what you've built here; looks damn fine sir. Congrats on the launch!
Jon Henshaw
@randfish thanks so much! That means a great deal to me coming from you :)
Ben Gardner
@ravenjon @randfish Damn son! You got love from The Fish.
Garrett Mehrguth
Great work Jon! I can't wait to see what the product will grow into.
Jon Henshaw
@gmehrguth thank you! I can't wait either. We already have big updates in the works, along with a long list of new checks I can't wait to launch.
Jeff Bernheisel
This is good stuff dude. Wish I would have had it many moons ago. Congrats!
Jon Henshaw
@jbern thank you! Now you can look forward to betters moons :)
Jeff Bernheisel
@ravenjon Yes indeed! Hey, apparently we have a mutual friend (Jessie Beaudoin). I was chatting with him the other day about SEO crap and your name came up. Small world!
Jon Henshaw
@jbern man, Jesse is the best! I love that guy :)
Saijo George
congrats on getting featured @ravenjon. I have added this to
Jon Henshaw
@saijo_george awesome!
Jon Henshaw
@roymorejon thanks Roy! I really appreciate your support.
Al Mackin
Hey Jon, some feedback from my experience. - I was confused by "URL", thinking it just spidered a single page but ended up spidering a large site and removing all my credits for the month. - Pages were marked as "Missing Google Analytics" but it had GA via GTM (as do all pages) - rel="nofollow" links categorised as "needs attention". I'd like to keep them as nofollow. Why not categorise as information rather than needs attention. - The spidering process has picked up the same page a few times with hard coded utm codes in them - we link to a page from our blog, passing over a source to identify signups from there. - In the "Page titles that are too long or too short" section it would be good to have each page highlighted to see whether it's too long or too short without having to look at the char count. - Similarly for the Meta Description that is too long or too short it would be good to see the worst offenders first so I can tackle the 200 character descriptions first, and leave the 157 character descriptions till last. - I understand that there's infrastructure cost to spider the pages, but the 50 pages per month feels too low for the free plan, how many sites that care about SEO (and would pay for a tool) are <50. What I found useful: - Highlighted some broken links in our blog - Spotted some URL issues which could be cleaned up - Found some pages with wacky meta description issues
Jon Henshaw
@almackin great feedback! I'll address each item for clarity: - URL: Interesting point. I'm thinking that could be resolved by better labeling. - Missing GA in GTM: We're really close to releasing and up that fixes that. Our own site uses GTM, so it's a known issue that we want addressed too. - Nofollow: We check for internal and external nofollow links separately, so I'm assuming you're talking about external nofollow links. I like the idea of reclassifying the external links and will definitely think about that more. - Internal Links w/ UTM: Interesting. It's difficult, because some sites use strings that are valid internal links. I'm thinking an exception for UTM with the crawler would help address that. - Title Length: Agreed - META Desc Length: Ditto - Free pages count: That's a threshold we're definitely experimenting with and may increase in the future. And of course, I'm very happy to hear about the things you found useful. Now I'm off to make and/or update some product tickets thanks to your suggestions :)
Al Mackin
@ravenjon Thanks for getting back to me so quick - I did some work recently on looking inside a GTM tag for another tag so I know it's painful! Looking forward to updates.
Whoa awesome @ravenjon wasn't this more of what Raven was for originally? I remember years ago using Raven to get SEO grades on pages, then I know more recently when I talked to you guys (You sponsored Nashville Startup Weekend and I met some of your staff then) Raven had become more of a marketing suite? Have you returned more to your roots, or am I confused?
Jon Henshaw
@vacord it's funny you say that. Our very first tool was called SEO Analyzer about 10 years ago. Sure enough, we've returned to our roots :) There's actually a post on Marketing Land that discusses some of the changes However, we are still very much focused on Reporting too. That's not going away, it's only going to get better.
@ravenjon that's so awesome that I was a user of one of your first tools and you returned to it. I can't remember how long ago it was but maybe close to 10 years ago. Maybe 8? Congrats on your return and best of luck.
Productivity Port
@ravenjon interested to try this based on the comment here. However, after entering my URL, I've been stuck with Analyzing... 0 pages analyzing. Been like that for 10 minutes or so. It makes me wonder am I stuck or does it still needs more time. Update: Aha! I just happened to go to my email and see that you'll send an email when done. My suggestion is to provide this feedback when the user submits their site URL. I wasn't expecting to get an email.
Jon Henshaw
@prodport it should start almost immediately and display how many pages it's currently crawled. Please email with the email you signed up with and we'll get everything sorted out for you.
Productivity Port
@ravenjon @raventools No worries as the report just came in. First pass I like the presentation and the info. I also like that you allow the user to ignore a rule. I was also surprised to see you scanned for malware. And do you have any plans to scan for schema markup?
Jon Henshaw
@prodport that's great to hear and thank you for the feedback. We are currently working on fine grain ignore rules so you can ignore individual issues that were done on purpose. Even I need that functionality with our own site :)
Frederic Sune
Amazing product. Love it. Found some old 301 redirect that I didn't setup properly for for the knowledgebase. Thanks!
Frederic Sune
Oh I found missing link on image! The report is easy to understand and the explanation to fix the issues are very clean. Bravo! Nice work.
Jon Henshaw
@wpexpertca awesome! Happy to hear it's working so well for you :)
Tom Charde
I've been watching Raven for years. Really liking the account tools, the dashboard and the report layouts. Some feedback on your your plans... If you're open to expanding them, I think there's an opportunity to reach another audience: consultants. The "Free" plan is for a single small business, or for anyone who wants to try out the service. The "Start" and "Grow" plans are geared towards *repetitive testing* of the *same site* -- which is great for companies and in-house teams. The "Pro" plan works for agencies, but it's too much muscle for a freelancer/consultant. I'll use up to 25 different testing tools when auditing a site (for performance/speed, responsiveness, accessibility, SEO, validation/compliance, security) -- the majority of which are free. RavenTools could easily replace a handful of these, but it would be difficult to justify doing that with any of the existing price plans. So I'd love to see a plan for those who run a *limited number of tests* on *multiple* small sites. (For example: In any given month I might run 1-5 tests, on 1-10 sites, that have 5-25 pages... So between 5-1250 pages/month.)
Jon Henshaw
@tomcharde interesting idea. I'll definitely consider it. Thanks!
Mark Osborne
Awesome this is a great tool! Really appreciate that there is a good free version to try out and see how it goes - are site is reasonably small anyway so works well. A couple of things would make this totally useful for us and worth paying for because I love the idea of monthly monitoring that's automated: 1. Download/export the entire report. I just ran on my site but I can't action anything because it's hard to give anything to my team to work on. Unless i'm missing something? I can only see downloads in each individual section to CSV. 2. Each section displays the error, but doesn't immediately show the page the error occurs on. Same in the download CSV. Again, I can't give this to my team to action as they won't be able to see what pages the errors occur on.
Jon Henshaw
@mposborne excellent feedback. 1) What you're asking for is that you can be able to export everything, instead of per issue. We've heard that before and are working on that. 2) There are a couple views that don't show the page(s) that the error occurs on. That's an oversight and we'll update the app soon to show the page(s) for each error. Thanks!
Trevor Denton
Congrats and great work @RavenJon!
Jon Henshaw
Thanks @trevoredenton! I'm coming to Seattle soon. Hopefully we can find time to hang out.
Göran Svensson
Great tool, got 94, so I have to check a few things! Great work @RavenJon!
Jon Henshaw
@appernetic congrats! An excellent score :)
Stephen Campbell
I do love this. So can we talk about this pricing though? lol
Jon Henshaw
@stephenalan haha! Sure! I'd love to discuss your ideas. Feel free to email me at jon at :)
Great work Jon ! + you got kudos from the fish
Fisher Robison
This super legit!! Already helping me, Thanks Jon!!
Rituraj Thakur
the best tool and what a amazing features..really guys impressed while using this most helpful tool.Gud done!!
Megan Matt
Will try this when not waiting for a train. It has a very appealing mobile interface and allows Google signup so I was psyched to have one more ops task to do on my phone. But once logged in under Google, the forms don't seem to appear on my iPhone 6.
Jon Henshaw
@meganmatt42 thanks for trying it out, especially on the phone! Email us at and we'll figure out what's going on.
Casey Romkes
Did I break it or is it /producthunt that has put it on it's knees?
Jon Henshaw
@kees_romkes oh man, I hope you didn't break it! This has been driving a ton of signups though, and we're starting to hear about more edge cases. If something did go wrong for you, please email so we can get it figured out.
I get stuck on the auth0 callback url after hitting the login button
Jon Henshaw
@masone that's not good! Please email auditorhelp at raventools dot com so we can get it figured out.