Braden Kowitz

Range - Build successful teams with Range.


Save time and keep your remote team connected.
✅ Run daily Check-ins with your team.
📎 Easily attach work from GitHub, GitLab, Asana, Jira, Trello, Google Docs and more.
💬 Get started quickly with an amazing Slack app.
🙌 300+ team building questions

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Braden Kowitz
Hello! I’m a designer and co-founder here at Range. We’re excited to launch open signups today on Product Hunt! Range is all about helping teams work better together. And we knew the way to achieve that goal was to be constantly listening to our customers. So we designed Range in close collaboration with teams at Twitter, Coursera, WeWork, and more. I’d like to continue that tradition of listening to feedback here on Product Hunt. My co-founders and I will be around all day to answer any questions, and of course take suggestions too! I’m particularly interested in any feedback you might have on product design. Most of my design influence is from Google. I helped to design Gmail, Spreadsheets, Trends, and G Suite. I also started the Google Ventures Design team, where we wrote the book on Design Sprints. So I’m keenly aware of the power of great feedback. Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback about Range. Thanks. 🙌
Jon Wong
@kowitz congratulations on the launch! we’re super happy users of Range here at Coursera and its grown in leaps and bounds since we first started using it to keep track of our work. it’s one of the tools that i’m delighted to use every day, and it’s far surpassed the many other tools we’ve used for stand ups in the past. i’m especially fond of the third question we answer every day - the one that’s not quite about your work, but about you and who you are. while the day-to-day work comes and goes, reading my co-workers responses to questions like “what’s your greatest fear” or “what did you think you were going to be when you grew up”, those are the things that stick and the things that keep me in sync with my team in the ways that really matter. and now with this launch, even more people will get to answer those questions! keep up the great work!
Jeff Fedor
@kowitz excited about this tool. I'm sure the Range team is flooded with integration requests but I'll toss one more on the pile. We use 15Five for alignment, people ops and OKRs. Any plans to integrate to it or similar tools?
Dan Pupius
@jfedor Hi Jeff, so far we've focused integrations on tools where work happens. We're definitely interested in exploring other integrations and would be curious to explore the usecases you imagine.
Jack Smith
@kowitz congrats on the launch Braden! I've been following the product's progress since you left GV. If I were to pitch this product to CEO friends of mine, how would you suggest that I describe it?
Braden Kowitz
@_jacksmith Thanks! I think it depends on the size of the company. For larger teams of 80+, CEOs appreciate the ability to create visibility across team, to see what goals people are working on, and to track progress. And for CEOs that understand the importance of team culture, they appreciate all the little things we do around team questions and mood sharing. For smaller teams, they tend to really appreciate the daily check-in part of Range. It's sort of like getting the benefit of a standup meeting, but with no meeting, and much easier, in a way that scales to larger teams, and provides a great history of accomplishments.
Dan Pupius
Hey folks, I’m Dan, one of the co-founders at Range. Before starting Range I led engineering at Medium and before that was a software engineer at Google. During that time I turned into a complete nerd for organizational theory. I became fascinated with the potential for how software could better facilitate the interactions necessary to thrive in today’s complex workplaces. I hope you can see how today’s Range is a step towards that vision. Happy to answer questions and excited to hear your feedback.
Nicholas Baum

I used Range for several months while leading a small product at Gusto, and really enjoyed it. I'm a big believer in simple daily status updates. You can do that with a daily Slack reminder, but Range makes them really straightforward and adds enough structure to make them easy to digest. I also really liked the daily personal questions that help the team get to know each other and bond. I'd recommend trying it if you work with a larger team.


Focus on asynchronous, high signal updates & team health


I'd love to see an integration to post my daily update directly from Slack (if they haven't implemented that already!)

Braden Kowitz
Thanks Nick! Yes, we want to make it possible to write a Range daily check-in right in Slack. Of course, we think it'll be way better experience to check-in with Range. 😉 But we should make it even easier for people to get started. It's on the roadmap! 🗺
Kunal Bhatia
Great video and congrats on the launch, @kowitz! Really like how you can pull the long term objectives into the day-to-day check-ins and meetings. Have you seen any interesting outcomes from the teams who use it when they look back at all the #objectives?
Braden Kowitz
@kunalslab What we've been hearing from a lot of teams is that they'll write objectives/OKRs at the start of the the quarter, then mostly forget about them. It's not that teams want to forget their goals, it's just that there's so much going on! I think the biggest outcomes so far have been keeping your goals top-of-mind when you're running meetings, and also making goals visible across teams. And we're working on more ideas in this area too! Related: We built views especially for retrospectives to help teams look back at their work. Here's an example of a "highlights" view that we use to look back on what happened over the week:
Jennifer Dennard
Hey folks! I'm Jen, the third co-founder at Range. I'm so excited to share our product with you! Range uses simple touch points to help teams improve communication, alignment, and connection. And I'm most excited about how it helps individual teammates. With Range, you have the information you need to drive your own work forward—without being micromanaged—and to connect with your team in a real way. 💚 Can't wait to hear your feedback and ideas for where we can go next!
Julien Genestoux
We've been using Range for a couple weeks and I have to say it "brought us closer" in ways which are hard to describe. As the founder I have a better sense of what everyone else is working on.
Braden Kowitz
@julien51 Yeah, that's my favorite parts of Range too. We don't talk about it much in the marketing because people find it hard to imagine. But it's totally true!
More alignment with fewer status meetings... that’s something I can get behind! But I also like how Range is about more than efficiency, with features for fostering team culture & cohesion. Keep up the good work!
James Cham

Helps break through the clutter of too much noise from Slack.


Thoughtful way to get team members to bring their whole self to work.


The team has to be bought into the vision.

Jack Krawczyk

This is a fantastic team who cares deeply about the product space. Been amazing to watch the product evolve and use it!


Easy to keep tabs on what we’re each working on, standups are actual discussions and not just blank stares while thinking about your updates


I can be better about contributing 😇

Hi Dan, Steph and Jen 👋🏽 (and others)
Dan Pupius
bradford cross
dan and braden are two of the most thoughtful folks in the game tackling an important problem at the right time, and very keen to see where this goes!
Jean Hsu
So excited to see this team -- some of the most empathetic, smart, thoughtful, and get-things-done people I know -- take on this important and impactful space!
David Byttow
I have not used this product personally (yet). But, having said that... I do love what this product is aiming to do. I believe communication can solve all known problems. And to that end, fostering a culture of "getting in sync" early-and-often with your coworkers is an antidote to wasted energy, lost time, and negative workplace dynamics and can drastically improve your team's efficiency, predictability, and level of happiness. Having the right tools to help facilitate communication, especially in a distributed environment, is critical for a team's success and there's plenty of room in this space for better tools. Also, (disclaimer), I've worked with Dan for many years and can say that he's a very thoughtful and empathetic leader. He's an extremely talented engineer and has rich background working with many teams, which makes him uniquely qualified to design and build a platform that solving this class of problems.
Jordan Pailthorpe

We have been using Range for a while now. It's great.


an async standup app that actually works. Great also with handling structure and notes for reoccurring meetings. I love the fun questions.


Nothing of note!

Dan Pupius
Thanks Jordan, really happy Range is helping your team. Meeting actions should be showing up for you as suggestions for your daily check-in, feel free to reach out to us on intercom if it's not working as expected. We're currently building out a new sidebar for integrations, which will act as a personal backlog and universal inbox.
Adam Waxman

We've been using it on a fully remote team at SeatGeek for 6+ months and are big fans!


Get to know teammates better, work transparency, fun questions, slack integration


Nothing I can think of. We're big fans!

Fadi Francis

keeps our team motivated


best productivity tool. Team is fantastic and cares about user feedback


can't think of much yet.

Albert Nichols

Big fan. People have been working in this problem space for awhile, but this is finally done right. Cal integration, asana, files, etc.


Exactly what I need from my team and what I want to communicate to them Nice how calendar is input right beneath standup notes


Can't quite set who sees what (maybe you can do this by creating different teams?)

Dan Pupius
Hi Albert, the team structure controls distribution rules. While most things are considered public within your team, and discoverable if looked for, we want to control the noise by only pushing updates from people on your teams. We're always available on Intercom if you want to discuss how best to structure your teams.
Kate Mason
This is a smart, thoughtful team tackling one of the harder (and often unspoken things) in the workplace: Just how do you help teams move faster and stay close while doing so? The sheer love and care with which they engage with these issues (have a look at their blog for _actual_ interesting writing on the subject) and then the product itself speak to their very real wish to make things better for you and your team.
Looks sweet! Can't wait to give it a go.
Braden Kowitz
@richardkendri Thanks! And yeah, please do give Range a try. I'd love to hear what you think. The team here is on Intercom all the time and we love product feedback.
This is amazing; especially for distributed teams. Love the "How we're feeling" feature.
Braden Kowitz
@j_vanderburgt Thanks! Yeah, that's one of the features that our customers like the most, especially on distributed teams. I really like the weekly email summary of those moods too.