Braden Kowitz

Icebreaker from Range - Start your meeting with 200+ free team-building questions


Icebreaker is a free collection of over 200 icebreaker questions you can use to start any team meeting or gathering. If you're part of a team, there's no better way to build trust than getting to know each other. 100% free and made by your friends at

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Braden Kowitz
One of the best parts of is the team-building questions that we send to teams each day. So we figured, why not make our questions free for everyone to use? That's Icebreaker. We designed these questions carefully to help teams get to know each other and build psychological safety over time. Want to try it with your team? I suggest starting with "Easy" questions unless you have a really tight-knit team. Just bring up Icebreaker at the start of your team meeting, and give everyone a little time to answer. In a few weeks, you'll likely learn a lot about your team. And as you move to the medium and hard questions, you'll start to understand more about how to work better as a team. We built this for you. If you have suggestions on how to make it better, please let us know! I'll monitor this thread, and you can also find us on Twitter @RangeLabs.
Kunal Bhatia
@rangelabs @kowitz love this tool, Braden. I want to use this for my next meeting today, and I'll let you know how it goes! Super simple to use, and beautiful animations right out of the gate! Excited to work better with my team and customers at SlidesUp (they'd love this too since we meet regularly!)
Dan Pupius
Vulnerability is at the heart of effective cooperation. These icebreaker questions are a great way to learn more about who you are working with, which will help build a foundation of trust.
Vivian Cromwell
@dpup Dan this just comes up in my coaching session. I will pass along. He wants to know his team members more at a personal level, and my question to him was "so have you opened up to your team? how much does your team know you at the personal level".
Dan Pupius
@viviancromwell Awesome! We have a card deck that's a nice physical manifestation for in person meetings.
Kyle Hardgrave
This is awesome! Def gonna be using this to get ppl talking in our weekly check-ins
Shun Yamada
It's a good idea. Make it better to integrate with Slack :)
Jessica williams
Getting to know each other is the first step to becoming a good team.
Kelly Schrader
Love it
Golf Vela
Great it a great idea. And it will help us to connect with all team members of golf vela at once and will be able to do a valuable meeting. Thanks for such a great idea which help us in our business.
Espo Beaner
I thing you are doing perfect work on a unique project and I thin its pretty similar to my new blog project you can see here.
Naomi Derrick
where do I click to get the questions
Driven Trucks
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