Hey everyone, I am Bret Taylor, CEO and co-founder of Quip. We are really excited about this release. The native apps are extremely fast and enable you to work offline.
The app is really the best of all worlds when it comes to productivity - you get the speed and offline capabilities of a desktop app, but you can collaborate in real-time like you can with a cloud / web app. The technology behind the release is really sophisticated and unique (more on that here if you are a geek: https://medium.com/@btaylor/reac...)
Let me know if you have any questions.
@btaylor I've been using Evernote (Premium) for 7 years and today, for the first time, I've found a real alternative to it: Quip for Mac.
It's native, insanely fast and delightful to use.
Congratulations, @btaylor and team!!
Congrats, @btaylor and team! We recently started using Quip so this addition is a huge +1 for the team.
As a tangent, it seems there's a revival of interest in native desktop apps lately. So much focus has been on mobile in the business and consumer space but in reality many of us still live on our computers daily. What are your thoughts on this and how do you choose which platforms to invest in (iOS/Android, tablets, web, browser extensions, Mac/Windows, etc.)?
@rrhoover The desktop usage has definitely been driven by people using Quip at work for us, so I think it impacts business products more than consumer.
Choosing platforms is hard. The conventional wisdom is to start with one you and your early customers are familiar with and expand. We spend a lot of time investing in our technology to make cross platform development more scalable with a small team
@btaylor and team - GREAT work! I started using Quip because a few people suggested I give it a try. 😉I wanted to see if it was a tool that seemed natural to use...it has quickly become the default for me and as Ryan says, we are starting to use it as a team. The native app is great.
One of the things I would love to see you add is a way to integrated a shared drive for non-quip files. I hack this with links to dropbox, but I would love to have folders that magically stored other types of files.
Keep up the great work!
So much awesome!! We love love love Quip at Recurrency and the mobile apps were already stellar, so this is happy news (thanks @btaylor et al!) -- and to @rrhoover's point about renewed interest in desktop, I agree. For me personally, having a desktop app for the "always on" services I need helps curb my "addiction to browser tabs" syndrome and staves off Chrome + Firefox from obliterating my CPU halfway through the day. From a larger B2B perspective I think the promise of the Brave New World of mobile apps was realized, but with some notable side effects: namely, the ever-present struggle of dealing with lack of platform parity and the inevitability of running into That One Critical Feature you just can't use on phone or tablet, or that breaks in every other Android update, etc etc. It gets wearying. Things come full circle :)
This looks great. Wish more productivity software focused on native desktop experiences. A lot of stuff had been popping up lately but mostly web app wrappers.
Great, been waiting for this for a while now. Will have to figure out how best to organize the desktop with couple other desktop apps now essential to my work flow. But kudos! The blog post made for a most fascinating read!
Using Quip for around 2 years now and the experience has only gotten better. A native app of the web app or mobile app is surely a welcome move. I have loved everything you have done from Google Maps to Friend Feed. Can't wait to see the next stuff ;) Upwards and Onwards @Btaylor
For the first time I started to work on a solution design with a team 1 1/2 years ago, I love the simplicity of quip and the tools for collaboration. It outperforms sharepoint, team and google docs in the ease and convenience. For final design and handover to clients you still need to refine in Word or Page, but that is easily done.
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