Tyler Schultz

Quill News Digest — AI Powered Daily digest - All your news. None of the bias.

Quill is a daily news digest powered by AI. Every morning it reads 5000+ articles, combines them into clusters, and delivers the top 6-10 stories. Unbiased and focused on the facts. Built with the intent to let you stay informed and move on with your day.

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Tyler Schultz
I've recently built Quill News Digest, mainly to scratch my own itch but its turned out to be really well liked by others. If you're one of the millions of people fed up with the state of current news. This might be able to help you out. ________ Here is how it works: Its a daily new digest delivered every morning. Only 6-10 stories and it starts with a simple idea. The important news is the most talked about news. Quill reads 5000+ articles every morning, combines them into similar collections, and delivers you a visual story. Each story contains a summary, quote, images, and maps. All of this is built with the intent to let you stay informed and move on with your day. No ads, no motives to keep you in the app. ________ Ever since Yahoo News Digest was shut down years ago (9M users) I wanted an alternative. No one built one, so I went ahead and built something for myself. So far its been incredibly useful and I think it could be useful to you as well. Check it out if you're interested in staying informed without spending hours reading the news! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/qu...
congratulations on the launch of Quill News Digest! it sounds like a really neat solution for staying informed without drowning in biased news. how do you ensure the articles selected are truly unbiased? excited to see the impact your app will make in the news landscape!
Avkash Kakdiya
Congratulations on the launch of Quill News Digest