Reclaim hours in your workweek with QueryPal, an AI chat assistant for Slack. It automatically answers questions using company data from Google Drive, Notion, Jira, Confluence, and more. It's easily customizable and secure.
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Hi Product Hunters! I've been on PH for a decade, and this is my first launch. I'm thrilled to introduce QueryPal, an AI chatbot that automatically answers your team's incoming repetitive questions by pulling from your chat history, documents, and files.
Why we built this
Throughout my career at Google, eBay, PayPal, and VMware, I witnessed a pervasive problem: teams drowning in an endless cycle of repetitive questions 🌪️, both within their own teams as well as from other teams in the organization.
As a leader, I saw firsthand how this drained productivity, stifled innovation, and left employees feeling stuck in a Groundhog Day loop. 🔁
The problem
In today's fast-paced work environment, the most valuable resource is human attention. But when teams spend 20% of their time answering the same questions over and over, that precious attention is squandered.
Vital knowledge is scattered across chat threads, docs, and files, forcing employees into a never-ending game of information hide-and-seek. And both the askers and the answerers suffer.
How it works
QueryPal is the lifeline your team needs. Our AI chatbot integrates seamlessly with your communication channels, using advanced language understanding to identify and auto-answer repetitive questions — in seconds.
And most importantly, you don’t need to tell your team to change their behavior — they keep asking the questions the same way and in the same places they do now. QueryPal auto-answers right in Slack to get them what they need, and keep you on your highest priority tasks.
We’re SOC 2 compliant and enterprise-ready. And it only takes a couple of minutes to get installed/configured. Imagine us answering questions from Slack, Microsoft Teams, Notion, Confluence, Google Drive, Sharepoint, OneDrive, ServiceNow, JIRA, Clickup, Github, StackOverflow — and even any PDFs you want to upload or websites you aim us at.
We’ll even show you which questions weren’t able to be answered across all those integrations, revealing the gaps in your organization’s information flow and how you can fix them.
We're on a mission to create work environments where human attention is valued and every team member is equipped to do their best work. Forcing people to go find the answers hasn’t worked; with QueryPal, the answers find you.
Exclusive Offer
As a special thank you to the Product Hunt community, we're offering an exclusive 14-day free trial. Just sign up at and start reclaiming your team's time and brainpower.
If you decide to join us on this mission as a paying customer, email the code PHQUERY50 to for 50% off your first month. This offer is valid for the first 20 teams that sign up by May 8th.
I'm incredibly grateful for your support and feedback. Our team will be here all day to answer your questions and hear your thoughts. Let's give you the leverage you deserve and revolutionize the way teams work, together.
@devnag Love it, well done! Great fit for #general channels, customer communications, etc. A couple of thoughts:
- Answering questions automatically will definitely save time, but it will still interrupt work/cause people to context switch (people get notifications that a question was asked, etc). Could QueryPal summarize its knowledge into documentation in Notion, Confluence, etc? I'm imagining a world where documentation is automatically written and updated, saving time for 3 different audiences (writers and those asking/responding to questions).
- Can QueryPal "listen" or get access to private conversations? I often end up being the guy juggling dozens of DMs across the org, often answering the same questions. Maybe a better solution is to move those conversations to a public channel and add QueryPal.
@devnag@sixbangs It looks like we're on the same wavelength! We use QueryPal in our own public Slack community to automatically answer customer questions based on our support documents. We've already developed the auto-documentation feature and are trying to get more eyes on it before we officially release it :)
As for providing access within private conversations, it's a topic that comes up often in our discussions with customers and is definitely on our roadmap. Currently, QueryPal can operate in private channels if you tag the bot. It’s important to note that we respect privacy: we do not index private conversations or generate automatic responses in them.
The simplest way to utilize QueryPal might be to move discussions to a public channel, but we understand the need for confidentiality in certain interactions. Rest assured, our team is working diligently to implement this feature effectively and securely.
Thanks for engaging with us! We’re excited to keep improving QueryPal based on your insights.
@marcosluis2186 Not yet, but feel free to email me at so we learn more about what you're thinking! We implement new integrations for customers all the time, and always curious to learn more about your use case.
@taha_mokfi Thanks Taha- we've started working with some bigger organizations that definitely face the challenge of managing repetitive questions everyday
I've seen some similar tools launch here in the past month. So there must be a real problem and demand here. Congrats on the launch @devnag and co! QQ: is this multimodal atm or does it only support a text-based input/knowledge base?
@ohansemmanuel That's a great question, anticipates one of our features in development; a lot of folks share images (especially) in chat, and being able to include those in the context increases both the batting average (percentage of questions answerable) and slugging average (how good/deep the answers are) at the same time. Not out yet, but stay tuned. ☺️
Managing internal communications across platforms like Slack and MS Teams often becomes a cumbersome and time-consuming task, with information scattered across various threads and documents. The process of gathering crucial data or insights entails significant context switching and app hopping, consuming valuable time.
With QueryPal, however, answers are just a few clicks away, delivered in under 10 seconds, streamlining and simplifying the entire experience. ⏳
Thrilled to have had the privilege of working alongside an outstanding team, witnessing the remarkable journey from inception to fruition.
@odeth_negapatan1 We're pumped for our first launch and thanks for your comment. Yes, instant, quality answers in chats is one thing we're 100% focused on in our product
Absolutely @shushant_lakhyani 🚀 Onboarding new team members, especially in remote settings, is a fantastic use case for QueryPal.
For example, imagine two new employees starting remotely—one in engineering and another in sales. When each asks, "How do I onboard?" QueryPal recognizes their roles and provides context-specific guidance. The engineering team member might receive detailed instructions on setting up their development environment and accessing technical documentation. Meanwhile, the sales team member might get information about sales tools, CRM software, and introductory meetings with key team members.
This tailored approach ensures that each employee receives relevant, role-specific information right where they ask—in their Slack workspace.
Looks promising. This basically replaces Notion Q&A AI? It would be beneficial if I could feed all relevant PDFs, our company website, and all the posts & influencers with whom we've collaborated into the AI. This way, the AI could process and utilize these data before answering a question.
@sheldonysh yup! We currently support integrations - PDFs, docs, websites along with other tools like notion, confluence, google drive etc.
you can search and across all within Slack.
We're always looking for ways to better our async workflows on our team and QueryPal seems like a great way to reduce wait time on responses, find buried information, and unblock team members!
@griffin_cook Thank you! We think the biggest bottleneck for information workers is information flow, and this is the most direct way we can think of to accelerate it. 🙌
@naumanthanvi Oh that would be awesome! You can use the install link on our website and onboard your community! Please do reach out if you need any help setting up. We offer lots of customizations.