Just trying it out, and so far, I quite like it! I have been using Adblock Plus for some time. This seems to do just as good a job, and I like the "Targeted Elements" procedure better than on Adblock Plus.
@zefareu Thanks a lot for trying it out and sharing your thoughts on this. We tried to bring a better ad-blocking tool for people which isn't boring and after your thoughts the Bad Ad Johnny feels better :)
@zefareu Targeted Elements was a feature I was personally against. I felt it might be too complicated for users. The guys on my team read your comment and I got plenty of "told ya soooo" looks lol!
So glad you approve and that I was wrong!
@j_r_wi11iams Currently it stops ads, fights malware and helps to dodge trackers; however, a VPN is not included in it. I recommend you to check out Bad Ad Johnny's story which hopefully you will find interesting and you will know about the relationship of him with his father (a VPN).
Thanks for your interest and we look forward to hearing your thoughts on the story too :)
This is an interesting name for an Ad blocker. How do you guys compare it with other Ad blockers available in the market? Is it a chrome extension only or will you guys extend it Android/IOS apps?
Is it a chrome extension only or will you guys extend it Android/IOS aaps?
- For the time being its only available as a Chrome Extension. Have already started working on its Firefox, Opera and Android variants so it shouldn't be long.
How do you guys compare it with other Ad blockers available in the market?
- We stop ads, we fight malware and we also help dodge trackers! Thats three tools built into one quirky chrome extension with a personality.
interesting name for an Ad blocker
- Glad you noticed! Trying to steer away from the run of the mill/boring adblocker templates. Trying to make something that is a little more relatable to millennials and the younger lot.
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