Hey everyone!
My name is Jonas, I'm 16 years old, from Dortmund, Germany, and I'm the developer of Pulse. Pulse is the second app of my company 24/7 Applications (24-7-applications.com) and I would be really happy about your feedback! :D
It was a long way to code this app since it has a completely new and innovative design and a breath visualization that my company put a lot of effort in to bring breathing apps to a new level of simplicity and effectivity.
What my app offers, is:
- Fall-Asleep-Technique: scientifically proven breathing technique developed by Andrew Weil that can make you fall asleep in about 60 seconds
- Relaxation-Technique: breathing technique commonly used by the military to reduce stress in battlefield-situations; claimed to be the 'natural sedative of the body'
- Innovative breath visualization: Pulse uses a completely new form of breath visualization developed for several months that is supposed to bring breathing apps onto a new level of simplicity and effectivity
I hope you all enjoy it! Happy hunting and have a great day!!! :D
@k3sava There are plans but since I really don't have the time to code an android version (several other exciting projects coming!) this would be something I would hire an extern for if the app generates a speicific amount of downloads!
@iamlukaszajic Well, that is apparently what every breathing app does. But keep in mind this app has been developed with the help of a professional yoga instructor who tested it and gave me the different techniques to implement. You can also choose between different programs by clicking the left bottom button of the menu. In addition to the completely new visualization and animation of this app that no other app has, it also is actually the most beautiful breathing app out there. Still, thanks for your feedback!
@iamlukaszajic slightly disappointed that there was not more to it than inhale and exhale. Not saying the technique is off but thought there was going to be more to it.
Also think there are some bugs with trying to change the technique or flick through stats and going back to start again. Doesn't seem to give me the option @jonaslecking
Appreciate young makers getting stuff out there and look forward to seeing this develop further
@bentossell Thanks! Update is in the making, adding an optional status bar and a new breathing technique to it. Every bug that has been reported to me should be fixed then!
@jonaslecking@iamlukaszajic Sure the app is beautiful, but I don't really care because I sleep with my eyes closed. Also, because my eyes are closed, I can't read the screen telling me when to inhale and exhale. This app is kind of useless for me to be honest.
@guplin_@farbodsaraf Great idea, haven't thought about that yet! I'll definitely give it some thought, the app downloads were massive in the last days!
@farbodsaraf This was my first thought too! I love how the Breathe app vibrates up and down gradually so I can close my eyes and focus on my breathing.
@stephen_koller Good idea! It actually was included in an early beta version but there was some trouble in the UI because of the different blur effects used... Still, thank you very much for your feedback on my product, really appreciate it!
@ynyounuo No need to become abusive my friend ;) I've started app developing four months ago so I'm still learning by doing. Since I'm 16 years old, I still have school, homework and several business meetings in the evening. Thus, I don't have the same amount of time as a full-time developer does. You can definitely make a breathing app in 30 minutes, no doubt. But you will need a lot more time to make Pulse. The main problems were the completely new design of the interface using CoreGraphics framework and a whole animation framework written by myself since the Apple animation frameworks didn't work out.
So, keep calm, insulting peoples work is really pathetic.
@jonaslecking lol, The core of your app is an alternative medicine method that has never scientifically been proved effective. I don't care how old you are and how busy you are because none of those alters the fact that the core of your app is not based on evidence-based medicine. If you can please append any scientific proof that can prove those techniques actually work.
@ynyounuo I honestly don't know where you've got your information from. Breathing techniques are scientifically proved, take for example this one: https://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Ar... or this one: https://nccih.nih.gov/health/str... by the national institute of health.
I don't know why you're acting like this, and sorry, but in my opinion, you're kind of starting to make a fool out of yourself ;)
@jonaslecking Can you see my keyword there? *Alternative medicine*. You still give me the link from NCCIH which is for *Integrative Health*. Also, those only show that deep breath practice can make people feel relaxed, but never show that 4-7-8 breath technique works.
My point is:
1. Deep breathing can be a good way to relax.
2. But there is no evidence shows that the technique in your app, which is 4-7-8 Breath, can really help people full in sleep within 60 seconds on average.
3. I don't think staring at a bright white screen could do any help on sleeping.
And thank you, I am starting to make a fool out of myself. (wink emoji that makes me smart).
Great work! I can't believe that just needs the 60s to fall asleep. recently, I often do meditation or hypnotic for 30 mins - 60 mins. I'm very sorry for that I don't have iPhone for taste your great app.
@cataplines Sorry, we're just watching if the app succeeds and then we were going to make an Android version. But after so many upvotes on PH, it seems very likely!
It's amazing what gets upvoted in here sometimes. This is nothing. I don't think even the developer (sorry, the "CEO"), would use it. I don't want to be harsh, but you don't need an app to breath.
@unaiyecora People were attracted by phrases like "fall in sleep in 60s", "scientific", and "military". They clicked that upvote button and didn't even have a iPhone to try out whether this app really works as described or not. Try search the keyword "Android" on this page you will see that most of the positive comments are saying that they don't have an iPhone.
"Stare at a white bright screen with a spirograph and breath in a certain pattern and then fall in sleep within 60s", this sounds like magic to me.
Ersteinmal Respekt für die App und gerade das Design und das Konzept dahinter.
Ich bin selber 16 und habe eine ungefähr Ahnung wieviel Arbeit mit einer App verbunden ist. Neben Schule hat man ja auch noch ganz andere Sachen zu tun also riesen Respekt dass sie es neben dem allen noch schaffen eine erfolgreiche App auf Producthunt zu stellen.
PS.: Ich entwickle gerade eine Webapp (AndTracked.email🤐) also wenn sie auf dem Gebiet noch ne Hand brauchen...
Thank you all very much for the great feedback! I've immediately put it into practice; the 1.1 came out two days ago and implemented most of your ideas:
- fixed ALL bugs, "Pulse" is now officially bug free :)
- implemented a new breathing technique (very efficient, like to use it when I'm having stress!)
- implemented a progress bar (Settings -> Activate Progress Bar) that indicates when the breathing program is going to end
- the fall asleep doesn't not have to be restarted manually four times: it repeats the program automatically for exactly one minute!
Thanks again for the great feedback! Pulse has become one of the most successful breathing apps on the App Store with over 5k downloads in the first week! Thanks to you all and the producthunt.com team for that!! :D
PS: dark mode's probably going to be implemented in the next update!
Wingman (YC S19)
PlanetScale Boost
Pinguin 2.0
SaaS Blocks for Tailwind
Pinguin 2.0
I cover the app in video on my channel
Pros:simple clean effective
Cons:a very little bugy