Tristan Pollock

Pruvo for mobile - Automatically get the lowest hotel price even after booking

Pruvo monitors your hotel reservation price (for free) and notifies you once the price drops so you can re-book the exact same room for a lower price.

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Tristan Pollock
Pruvo is a must for travelers as they make sure you always get the best price on hotels before or after booking. Did you know? 40% of hotel reservations experience a price drop from the moment you booked your hotel until you check in. Price drops can even reach up to 72% off the total booking price. Smart move.
Itai Marcipar
Hi Everyone I´m Itai, CEO of Pruvo. After tracking tens of thousands hotel reservations from users in 123 countries and saving Pruvo users over US$2M on hotel expenses – we are thrilled to launch our smartphone app. With the app, you will enjoy some of the new features we just launched in Pruvo: • Connect to Pruvo using Gmail which will automate the process of importing your hotel reservations from your Gmail (optional, you can always connect via regular email or Facebook if you choose) • Push App notifications when your reservation has a price drop - we want to make sure you don´t miss out on a savings opportunity. • Pruvo´s “Gift Market” – earn Pruvo Points by sharing Pruvo with your friends. Redeem these points in exchange for awesome travel related gifts. Make sure to visit the app landing page. We have an exclusive offer just for Hunters like you!