
UI Sounds - Learn sound design for user interfaces by example 🎡


A library of user interface sounds from popular apps to help you think and learn more about sound when designing and building products.

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Hi all, kind of a new year message for you: Since writing about sound visualisation a few years ago (e.g. see here), I was always interested in seeing sounds, but didn't see any career-related reason to pursue the interest so I just stopped! :( πŸ’ͺ I want to take this chance to encourage people to make time for what you're really interested in, as it's easy to think "I'll learn about that awesome stuff later"/"that won't pay the bills". But if you think like that, you might never get to do what you really like, and eventually that area of interest will be like a shadowy ghost of what could have been. This project is for me to start re-exploring sounds. Last year I became interested in the sounds on UI of apps, and got recorded a library, as there isn't really a place to find them all. Here is that library! Future todo: replace the YouTube sound visualisations a Web Audio API version, and add content about this area to teach more about it. That content will be premium to fund the site! That's the rough plan for this one. Shoutouts to @dinuka_jayasuriya @tcodinat @kerrtrvs @vertis @pyyding who also launch products all today in makers kitchen and makerlog haha!
Vincent Denise
This part of the design process is really important and sometimes decisive for social apps. I also found that it's really difficult to find great sounds effects to buy without suffering of headaches because of sound watermark Γ  la audiojungle. Do you plan to sell packs or recommend good effects by removing the pain of having to listen hundreds of samples?
@yesnoornext yeah sound can be hugely influential! These are some great points Vincent, thank you! I will definitely be looking into something like creating packs or adding curated sound recommendations from 3rd parties to make them easier to find! This will also provide an avenue for a premium service and keep things sustainable. That's something I'm focusing on in 2019!
Sergio Mattei
Love this! It's fascinating to see how companies develop a unique and instantly recognizable sound... Small things like notification tones are so simple yet timeless and give the brand personality. Excellent work!
@ftxrc thanks Sergio! YEah it was fun to make - this one is my favourite:
so cool to see how the mac sounds changed..the video is adapted from a bunch of other vids on youtube which are on the site too (and the video images are from old mac manuals)
Fajar Siddiq
@fajarsiddiq thanks Fajar! I think so, especially sound as an alternative to screens - will be combining with some Voice UI stuff
Fajar Siddiq
@graeme_fulton anything that is useful, will be use and recognize. This is by far one of the most unique things i've seen!
@fajarsiddiq wow thanks Fajar! I think it's quite unique too since I couldn't find another version out there for design
Pradeep Baskaran
Thanks a lot Graeme!! great work.
@pradeep_vicky thanks for checking it out and for your message Pradeep!
Ryan Hoover
Yo, @xander_ma. Cc'ing you here b/c I know you're into sound design.
@xander_ma @rrhoover πŸŽ΅πŸŽΆπŸ“± 🎡🎢
Dinuka Jay
This is super useful! Thanks for launching this! It'll be even better to have this extended to games πŸ˜€
@dinuka_jayasuriya haha yeah, definitely gonna add a games section - there are lots of recordings already on youtube so I would just add some playlists for those classics like Mario and Sonic :D
Really cool product! Congrats on the launch! πŸ”Š
@kerrtrvs Thanks Kerr) !
Chris Konings πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»
As a designer that has little experience with sound and incorporating it in to UI design this is a great starting point and definitely something I'll be referencing in my own work.
@chriskonings Thanks Konedog! :D
Ali R. Tariq
Love all these projects you're churning out, @graeme_fulton! I myself was surprised recently to see that something like this hadn't existed. Thanks for the effort and sharing this! As an aside, it'd also be awesome to someday see your process of going from idea -> design -> dev -> shipping with one of these projects. I'm sure we could learn a lot from it!
@alirtariq Hey Ali, thanks for sharing your thoughts! Yeah it's quite surprising that it didn't exist. For process, I think a lot of the ideas come things I'm following. I'll see patterns in what I'm reading and you can join the dots between things For example for this UI Sounds project, I noticed Facebook bring out a soundkit earlier in 2018, and then a plugin for that same soundkit came out for Framer. At that time, I wanted to see why those sounds were being used, so I got some sounds recorded from different apps. That gave the idea to package and share the recordings through the UI Sounds site..and making that helped me understand more about sounds to make my own kit (in progress)! I'm sure something will come after that too! Also, everything is happening at the same time - ideas/design/dev, with no real order. I'll try and capture it better for one of the apps I release this year. I'm also steering clear of creating more resource-type sites this year, and more towards services. With that, I imagine there will be more design problems to solve