Murat Mutlu

Toolbox by - Search, filter and compare the latest design tools

Toolbox by is the place to discover design tools. Toolbox has 2 tabs:

🔥Monthly Picks

- Browse and search monthly roundups for the latest tools

- Filter by date and category

🛠Design Tools

- Find and compare popular design tools

- Filter by platform, pricing, features, and more!

- Use the compare feature for side by side comparisons

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Hi everyone, since starting 'monthly tool roundups' in 2018 on the Prototypr Medium publication, they reached over 50,000 people from just 3 editions. Since they had such a warm welcome, I decided to make the resources chosen easier to filter and browse than the blog post format. This lead to 'Toolbox' by, where you can: - Filter tools by category (e.g.. Sketch plugins/colour tools/icons) - Fast search using elastic search - Sort by date, etc. As well as the monthly picks, Toolbox includes a revamped Prototyping comparison section, since the old one ( has become outdated. No longer do tools fit in certain categories as they used to! Almost every tool has added new features, moving towards becoming end-to-end solutions for your design workflow. Now you can compare them side by side, hope it's useful ☺️ Let me know of any improvements and ideas you have! Happy May the 1st 😃
Very useful tool. Well done! 👏
@thalion_pb Cheers Thalion, hope to make it even more useful! We have your Sketch plugin in the toolbox, and THE ICONIC will surely have a place! I hope it will get a feature on here too!
@thalion_pb thanks! I like the mr @levelsio approach..all the indie makers really, @thisdickie + nocode is another good inspiration
Katerina Limpitsouni
An extremely helpful resource and such a great product!!! Love the filter capability and how easy you've made discovering new tools without the need to save them for later!!! Great work as always Graeme!
@ninalimpi thanks Katerina! That's interesting, I considered a way to bookmark them too, but sounds like it may not be needed 😂
@graeme_fulton the monthly roundups have been great, and now being able to filter them is much easier! have you considered categories for courses or learning resources too?
@tnsrig glad they've been useful :) it looks like it's possible to scale for any resource/category - will have to see what's in demand from the audience.
Awesome resource! The ability to filter and compare tools, plugins etc. is so usefull! Is there any way to propose tools for the website?
@michelvanheest thanks Michel :D good thought - I have Intercom installed so I can take requests via that. It's the little speech bubble in the bottom right just like here on Product Hunt. Using Intercom Early Stage -> really cool of them to make it affordable for the little companies
@graeme_fulton yes I noticed, but are people actually using the Intercom chat to do feature requests? Myself, I would actually never use Intercom for this. Don't ask me why, it just never came up in me to do so. Anyhow, you can always test this and see if people are using it for that ✌️
@michelvanheest I think I can see why, it does seem like more of an 'ask for help/troubleshooting tool'. The requests I've had come through are for website improvements to make things more accessible - not exactly feature/tool submissions. With that in mind, a more obvious way to submit tools sounds a good idea! I'll test it out for sure.
Aggelos Gesoulis
Amazing! Love that your column lead to a brand new and really useful project! Kudos Graeme!!!
@anges244 haha cheers Aggelos!! yeah I also like that part about it – it was basically just a list of tools in a blog post in the beginning!
Rob McMackin
Excited about this finally getting released. The design tool space sorely needed a non-biased resource to make sense of all the different offerings available.
@rob_mcmackin Thanks Rob, and for your feedback when I was putting this together, glad it's useful. I'm enjoying all your work on underglass!!
Sofiia Shvets
Amazing resource! Well done, Graeme!
@sofi_shvets Ah thanks Sofiia for your support. Also, I believe Let's Enhance would be a great 👌addition to the Toolbox! I wish I can find time for a more in depth review, but this is a good start!
Lisa Dziuba
Do you plan to launch similar for development tools?
@lisadziuba I like this idea Lisa - I'd only really considered design and collaboration tools before, but I can see some space for development tools. Especially since code is useful for prototyping too! I'll do a poll or something and see what people think.
Sergey Bushtruk
Leonie Jonk
Ah excellent! I feel like I'm always falling behind with so many new tools coming out all the time. I even keep a file with different tools for different purposes so that know what tool to use when I want to do X or Y. But keeping up is a total pain I'd rather not have. Way to go on making this! 🙌
@kyntha I would love to see that file 😂 could be some good research heh. Glad it's gonna be useful for you!
Rob McMackin

Very useful for companies looking to choose which design tools to go with, makes the whole process transparent.


So many design tools these days, makes it really easy to filter and compare by price etc.



Thanks for the review Rob, I know of some cons 😂 - I think every maker knows where the bugs are
Fernando Ifran

Maybe the tools can be filtered by main benefit like "design without coding" or maybe is just a matter of adding more filter in the features section.


It's useful to discover new tools and of course quickly compare. And it's very well done and easy to use.


Not sure if the category are nailed yet. As the number of tools grows it might be confusing having the same ones in different categories.

Liza Dixon

Finally! Design world has been needing something like this to help bring clarity to the ever-growing number of prototyping tools out there. PH is great, but I am more likely to reference this because it is so specialized. Definitely bookmarking this and looking forward to seeing it grow. Nice work 👍


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