Murat Mutlu V2 - The Swiss army knife for designers V2 - daily design news, now bigger and better with new features:

🔍Search engine – search through nearly 15,000 indexed design resources

🛠Upgraded Toolbox 2.0 – find tools that go beyond screen design: VR/AR, AI, Chatbot design 🤖

🦄Introducing UX Kit – tools for user monitoring, ideation and every step of your design process!

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Hello PH 👋! I'm really excited to show you Prototypr V2.0 - this version brings the foundations for Prototypr to become a fully fledged platform in its own right. In fact, I already have things in place for a community forum and much more! In the meantime though, here is what's new: 🔍 Prototypr Search Engine has always brought you the best design news and links every single day. Each resource is handpicked and now being indexed into the brand new Prototypr Search engine. 🛠 Toolbox 2.0 Prototypr Toolbox 1.0 was launched back in May, welcome to version 2! This includes a couple of sections: 🚀 Maker Kit • Filter and search over 300 tools • Find tools that beyond the screen design – from AI to voice categories 🦄 UX Kit The UX Kit lets you discover tools that will help you gather insights into what you’re building. From idea generation to monitoring users - tools for every stage of your design process! As well as all this awesome free stuff, we're now offering some premium stuff via our Patreon page 👉 A big thank you to @Maria_Espi for illustrations, everybody else who's contributed so far, and also to you for reading!
@marie_dm_ Thanks Marie! I was a bit slow to ship 😅, it could have been a 2 launches actually but I'm really happy it's available for everyone now!
@maria_espi @annchichii 😃 thanks Ann, very very small team 😉hopefully we can get more people involved soon!
@maria_espi @annchichii lots of contributors though!! Definitely would be nowhere near what it is now without the community
Katerina Limpitsouni
Looks awesome @graeme! So much cleaner and easy to use!!! Feels faster too!! 👏👏👏
@graeme @ninalimpi thanks Katerina!! Glad you find it easy to use, if there's anything that can be improved let me know 😃
@graeme @ninalimpi @anges244 thanks Aggelos! They've been a while coming, and more to come - look forward to what you'll have to come too!
@ninalimpi @anges244 hahah thanks! It has been a while coming to be fair - I was saving it for the England vs Columbia victory 😂😅
Vincent Denise

Prototypr is the perfect platform to help you in your design process. The V2 is neat. Good work Graeme!


Great curated resources



Johnny Boufarhat

Prototypr has great filters, and is my number one resource whenever I want anything related to design.


Great UX

Easy to use

Loads of resources

Great information


Nothing that I can think of tbh

Johnny Boufarhat
The update looks great! The features only improve the experience. I'd love to see some design questions hosted eventually or a community section of sorts
@johnny_boufarhat Thanks a lot Johnny, that means a lot and fantastic suggestions too! I've got a community in the works and would love to offer hosted questions - time to bring more people on board to make this possible! Do you have any similar plans for Readory?
Johnny Boufarhat
@graeme_fulton Not at the moment, I am currently doing a big overhaul of how Readory works
@johnny_boufarhat overhaul sounds exciting, good luck - looking forward to what's coming!
Jonathan Widawski
Awesome job Graeme! Love the new interface, feels really polished :)
@widawskij Thanks for dropping by Jonathan, really glad it feels right! Another part of the plan is to give makers control of the product pages on there too, so you can have more options for Maze 👍
Guillaume Bardet
Congrats on the launch, this is really neat! It's quite interesting how you went with the Patreon approach, I hope that you will do well overtime!
@guillaumebardet Yeah I thought I'd give it a go, it seemed the quickest and secure way to add some payment tiers for more premium stuff. Added it in right at the very end, so I'll be sharing how it does. In the future I plan to move this type of things to the Prototypr site, as I think sending people out to Patreon makes the experience a bit disjointed - people have to sign up for Patreon to contribute
Sunjoo Sun
awesome site and design
@keyul thanks Keyul!
awesome design and very useful! I love this product! especially, chat form is great. Did you make that from scratch or with any library?
@fuji_syan Hey Naoya! I used Space 10's conversational form to turn some forms into conversational experiences! Check it out, it's really good! https://space10-community.github... I added some CSS to change the avatars to our P1P1 mascot. Let me know if you need help doing that, I have the codez
Grzegorz Hadała
Looks great, one little thing: when you press [2], [3]...[n] on the pagination, the page should scroll up, cheers ;)
@greghadala Thanks Grzegorz, yeah good tip! I thought it could be useful to have pagination at the top too - would that be useful?
@greghadala Hi Grzegorz, I've made that improvement now! Thanks for this feedback! It could do with an animation when it jumps back to the top, but I've put the initial fix in 👍
Great work @graeme_fulton! I love the way is changing 👏👏👏
@thalion_pb Thanks Thalion! I'm moving it towards being a platform for design tool and plugin makers to reach more people in the design industry - thanks for contributing so far with SQUID and everything 👌🏽
Ghost Kitty
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@aaron_kazah Thanks Aaron, let's hope Prototypr doesn't appear on 😅😉– that looks a good place to learn some lessons!