Jens Boje

PromoTab - Check on which Gmail tab your email will land


This tiny tool uses a real Gmail account to check if your emails will land in the Primary inbox of a reader or if it's stuck in the promotions tab or SPAM folder.

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Jens Boje
I run multiple newsletters and it's always a pain to know upfront if my readers actually see the email or if it ends up in the Promotions tab, SPAM folder, or any other Gmail tab. As I love rolling out tools, I hooked up a new Gmail account for the sole purpose of checking my emails. Starting from confirmation emails to important sales emails to make sure that my emails are seen. It's been online for a year now and I finally launched it here on Product Hunt for others to use. Enjoy.
Benoit Chambon
Jens Boje
Wilhelm Rahn
Didn't know this was something I could know before sending an email. Now that I do it DEFINITELY becoming part of my toolbox 😎
Jens Boje
@wilhelmr πŸ‘
TomΓ‘Ε‘ Slouka
CG to the launch @codeboje
Jens Boje
Vedant Lohbare
Oh this is cool.
Jens Boje
@vedantlohbare πŸ‘ thanks
Bim Barbieto
Hey this might be quite useful.
Jens Boje
@bim_barbieto Thank you.
Ashley Mazyck
Now this is something I will definitely try in my emails
Ankit Kumar
This seems awesome
Anastasia Kotlyarova
Woow! Had no idea it is actually possible to check! Great tool for testing